(Anne) The world is amidst great change and it is accelerating at a breathtaking pace. Timeless understandings are re-emerging now in the minds of many. It is truly a remarkable time to be alive!
walter russel
Resistance is Futile — Walter Russell Science Sheds Light on the Compression of Electrical Space to Form Stars
(Walter Russell) If you ask any electrical engineer to design a circuit to heat a room, they will invariably do so, by introducing a large resistance into their conductor circuit. This resistance will act like a typical mechanical resistance and the voltage drop across the resistance will manifest as heat.
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Sympathetic Vibratory Physics — An Introduction
(Stillness in the Storm Editor’s Note) Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the cutting edge of science, where Physics, Acoustics, Cosmology, and even Theology become one in the same study, under the banner of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics (SVP). This is an enormous field of knowledge that requires our most diligent attention, for mastery over the vibratory […]