(Jim Hoft) FOX News opened their noon hour with a hit piece on President Trump and in extension his 73.8 million confirmed voters.
voter fraud
NOTE TO FOX NEWS: President Trump and His Team Have More than Enough Solid Evidence to Prove Their Case – Provided Below
(Joe Hoft) When Tucker Carlson is on, no one can say it better. He is clairvoyant and witty and spot on. But at other times – like now – he can be off quite a bit (to say it nicely).
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The Dominion Algorithm Used to Steal the Election
(Larry Johnson) Sorry for using the word, “algorithm.” I suspect most of you reading this struggled thru basic algebra in high school and did not deign to venture into the world of calculus and other advanced mathematics. The explanation is simple. A calculation built into the computer software was executed to produce numbers that, if unexamined, appear to secure a victory for Biden. The numbers do not lie. Votes were manufactured for Joe Biden. The citizens of Pennsylvania voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump. Joe Biden’s folks tried to steal it.
Michigan Witness and Former US Congressional Candidate Speaks Out — Saw the Biden Ballot Dump at 4 AM and Witnessed Officials Tampering with Tabulators! (VIDEO)
(Ben Wetmore) Yet another witness has come forward to say that she witnessed VOTER FRAUD in Detroit on election day.
Eye Opener — Trump Votes Crushed Cheating System; Shocking Frankfurt Server Raw Data to be Leaked
(Operation Disclosure) Brian Trascher told NEWSMAX in a Nov. 18 interview that the Trump team has recovered raw data from Dominion Voting servers seized in Germany. He said the data will be made public, including information about U.S. election servers, why they were overseas, how ballots were converted from one candidate to another and how such a massive, all-American cheating system worked.
LIAR BUSTED: Dominion Spokesperson Claims Votes Can’t Be Flipped…Watch Hacker Demonstrate How Easily Voting Machines Can Be Forced To Change Votes in 1 Minute
(Leisa Audette) A video from Now This News showing voting machines changing votes has resurfaced just as a spokesperson for Dominion Voting Systems claims it’s not possible (see video below).
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SMARTMATIC VOTER FRAUD: “I’ll be meeting with Soros later this week for some ‘pre-programming’ of machines” Email Ties Donna Brazil, John Podesta and Todd Macklerr
(Will Justice) An image of an email sent by Todd Macklerr of Smartmatic to Democratic party members Donna Brazil and John Podesta reveals code words and what appears to be intentions to commit voter fraud.
Trump Attorney Lin Wood: “this Country’s Going to Be Shocked When They Find the Truth about Who’s Been Occupying the Oval Office for Some Periods of Years”
(Patty McMurray) Prominent attorney Lin Wood made waves after he successfully sued CNN and the Washington Post for slandering teenage Trump supporter Nicholas Sandmann for millions. He’s making waves again for offering to help President Trump and his team of lawyers expose the incredible alleged voter fraud and intimidation of GOP poll challengers and observers to keep them from watching absentee ballots being processed in densely populated Democrat-run cities.
Wisconsin Electors are Trying to STOP Trump RECOUNT! (Video)
Wisconsin Electors are Trying to STOP Trump RECOUNT! (Video)
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WOW – Pompous US CEO’s Hold Secret Meeting to Discuss Removing President Trump Because They Know Best
(Joe Hoft) A group of pompous individuals who have no idea what’s happening in the real world due to the limited view provided to them by their corrupt Big Media have decided they know what’s best for the US and that they understand the real threat to democracy – President Donald Trump.
Trump’s Lawyer Sidney Powell, “We’re Fixin’ To Overturn The Results Of The Election!” Then Drops THIS Bombshell
(Patty McMurray) Last week, Trump lawyer and former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell warned that she’s going to “release the Kraken,” meaning she will expose the fraud in the election
A Dog Voted by Mail in the 2020 Election
A Dog Voted by Mail in the 2020 Election
Biden Didn’t Win, Trump Did. And We Can Prove It
(Vox Day) President Trump did, and now he can prove it.
The Statistical Storm: 4 Reasons “the Party of Science” are Frauds if They Accept 2020 Voting Irregularities
(Vox Day) Although the statistical evidence is rapidly turning into hard physical evidence of ballot fraud, it’s still useful to continue noting the statistical anomalies and how strongly they indicate that there is no shortage of fraud to find by refining the statistical case against Biden:
Explosive Claim: Dominion Software Deleted Over 2.7 Million Votes Nationwide and Switched Over Half a Million from Trump to Biden
(Mike Adams) As more evidence of Dominion software vote theft continues to emerge, President Trump has tweeted a bombshell news item, stemming from a data analysis of the raw vote log transaction data: