(Noah) I have been looking for this video for a long time and finally found it today!
vladimir putin
Kamala Harris Warns Vladimir Putin of ‘Serious Consequences’ if He Invades Ukraine
(Charlie Spiering) Vice President Kamala Harris warned Russian President Vladimir Putin from invading Ukraine on Tuesday, in an interview in Wisconsin.
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Biden Abandons ‘Do-Not-Provoke Strategy,’ Mulls Deploying Thousands of Troops to Confront Russia
(Kyle Becker) Biden’s brinksmanship with Russia after his botched messaging to Vladimir Putin that all-but-invited him to carry out a “minor incursion” into Ukraine may have disastrous consequences for Americans stuck in the vulnerable Eastern European nation should it be invaded.
HYPOCRISY: Hillary Clinton Disputes Validity of Election Results, Claims Putin ‘Helped Elect Trump’
(Kipp Jones) Failed former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that Russian President Vladimir Putin helped to rig the 2016 election against her — and then claimed that people who dispute the 2020 election results are working on behalf of Russia.
Biden, Putin Meet Face to Face in Geneva
(Nicholas Sherman) This is the first meeting between the two leaders since Biden took office.
Vladimir Putin Praises Trump, Laughs At Biden Calling Him A Killer
(Carmine Sabia) Joe Biden has made a mockery of the United States during his tour of England during the G7 summit and has looked weak in the eyes of the world.
Trump Tells Biden ‘Don’t Fall Asleep’ During Upcoming Meeting With Vladimir Putin
(Gabriel Keane) “Because of the phony Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, made-up and paid for by the Democrats and Crooked Hillary Clinton, the United States was put at a disadvantage—a disadvantage that was nevertheless overcome by me.”
Vladimir Putin Fan Steven Seagal Joins pro-Kremlin Party, Proposes to Jail Polluters
(Greg Piper) The 30-year veteran of action films has been a Russian citizen for five years.
This Isn’t the First Time Russian President Putin Showed Up Joe Biden
(Joe Hoft) This week wasn’t the first time Putin showed up Biden.
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Vladimir Putin’s Former Chief of Staff: Trump Is a ‘Modern George Washington,’ Terrifies Globalists
(Samantha Chang) Former President Donald Trump embodies the authentic American spirit of self-determination, unwavering optimism and rugged resilience championed by the nation’s Founding Fathers — and that’s why Democrats and other globalists hate him.
Vladimir Putin: U.S. Needs to End ‘Internal Controversies’ Caused by January 6 Riot
(Nwo Report) Russia is keen for the U.S. to sort out its “internal quarrels” so that Moscow may establish more stable relations with Washington, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.
Putin’s Former Chief of Staff Calls Trump a Champion against New World Order
(Lynn Corum) Sergey Ivanov, Vladimir Putin’s former chief of staff, currently on the Russian Federation Security Council, has weighed in on the “historical scale of the personality and achievements of President Donald Trump” in an op-ed for Eurasia Daily. I have changed not a word of what he has to say. In his national ideology, Putin warns repeatedly of the dangers from the “Transnationalists” (Proekt Rossiya [Project Russia], EKSMO Press, 2014). The Russians are joined by the British with their Brexit and the French with their Front National led by populist Marine Le Pen. Populism actually straddles the Atlantic, and Donald Trump is regarded as its hero.
Putin Says, ‘Not So Fast’ to The Great Reset
(Thomas Luongo) Did you happen to catch the most important political speech of the last six years? It would have been easy to miss given everything going on. In fact, I almost did, and this speech sits at the intersection of nearly all of my areas of intense study.
Putin: Democrats Insulting Trump ‘Enhances Our Prestige,’ Plays ‘Into Our Hands’; Trump’s Been Hard On Us; Communists And Democrats Have ‘Common Values’
(The Daily Wire) Russian President Vladimir Putin made warm remarks toward the Democratic Party during an interview this week, saying that the Democratic Party and the Communist Party have similar values and that President Donald Trump has been tough Russia.
Trump Admin to Declassify Secret Document Revealing Vladimir Putin Was Actually Trying to Hurt Trump’s 2016 Campaign
(Cristina Laila) The Trump Administration is preparing to declassify a document that will utterly destroy the ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ theory years after Obama’s FBI spied on Donald Trump and tried to remove him from office with a bogus investigation.