(Exploring Your Mind) Color blindness, or Daltonism, was named after John Dalton, an English chemist who was the first to publish a study on the subject in 1798. In fact, he was color blind himself.
Conscious Visual Perception Occurs Outside the Visual System
(Science Daily) A Dartmouth study finds that the conscious perception of visual location occurs in the frontal lobes of the brain, rather than in the visual system in the back of the brain. The findings are published in Current Biology.
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Babies in the Womb May See More than We Thought
(Science Daily) Light-sensitive cells active in the retina even before the fetus can distinguish images may play a larger role in the developing eye and brain than previously thought.
We’re Beings of Light: Simply Imagining a Bright Light Can Be Enough to Change Your Pupil Size, Study Finds
(Carly Cassella) What goes on in our minds is usually a private affair, but sometimes, our eyes can betray our thoughts. When someone is thinking of a bright image, their pupils will noticeably shrink, researchers have found, even if there’s nothing to look at and they weren’t anticipating light.
Why, Sometimes, We Don’t See What We Actually Saw
(Neuroscience News) Crashes in visual processing occur when neurons processing one image are tasked with processing another too quickly. This results in either one or both images being unable to reach our conscious awareness.