(Richard Moorhead) Did you, or a family member, serve your country with the expectation of receiving the health care benefits you were promised?
Survivors, Veterans Gather To Remember Those Killed at Pearl Harbor, 80 Years Ago
(Sophie Mann) Several dozen survivors of the Pearl Harbor attack will gather Tuesday in Hawaii at the site of the Japanese bombing that took place 80 years ago to remember and pay tribute to those lost in the attack that catapulted the U.S. into World War II participation.
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‘Where Are The Admirals? Where Are The Generals? Where Are the Veterans?’
(Jeff M. Lewis) On 17 August 1955, President Dwight D. Eisenhower prescribed a Code of Conduct for members of the Armed Forces of the United States. The purpose was to inform each service member in a combat unit about their basic responsibilities when engaged in combat or if they were captured by enemy forces. Of the six articles, the first and sixth articles are particularly powerful reminders about the Armed Forces’ mission and the dedication each member requires to complete that mission:
Department of Veterans Affairs to Pay for Sex Changes… While Over 35,000 Veterans Remain Homeless
(Cassandra Fairbanks) The Department of Veterans Affairs is in the beginning stages of enacting a new policy that will pay for transgender veterans to get sex changes. As of 2020, there were 37,252 homeless veterans in the United States.
GOODNEWS: Teen Sets Out to Mow Lawns of 50 Veterans for Free in Honor of Late Grandfather: ‘He Taught Me’
(Amanda Thomason) Most people see mowing the lawn as an annoying chore that has to be completed. For 14-year-old Nathan Adams of Buffalo, New York, mowing lawns is his mission.
EXCLUSIVE: Spy Plane Identified Circling the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum Where the Election Audit Is Taking Place – What’s Going On?
(Joe Hoft) A spy plane was identified flying over the Maricopa County audit.
Far-Left Media Hack Admits to Sneaking Inside Arizona Audit Room at Veterans Memorial Center without Proper Credentials Before Ballots Arrive in Attempt to Discredit Process
(Jim Hoft) Far-left CBS media hack Morgan Loew from AZFamily.com published a hit piece on Friday against the upcoming forensic audit of ballots at the Veterans Memorial Center in Phoenix, Arizona.