(Nick Gilbertson) A 94-year-old World War II-era veteran from New Jersey lost his home in a fire last month, but loving neighbors and a tidal wave of online donors from all over the country are working on getting him back on his feet.
Combat Veteran Group Successfully Completes 19 Rescue Missions in Ukraine, ‘Many More’ Planned
(Amanda Thomason) Bryan Stern has spent much of his life in service to others. He’s not only a combat veteran of the U.S. Army and Navy, but he was one of the first responders on the scene during 9/11.
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This Army Veteran Is Secretly Rescuing People Abandoned in Afghanistan
(Aden Tate) A man’s family is trapped inside hostile enemy territory where they are being actively hunted. He has specialized military training from the number one military force in the world. He’s on his own, and if discovered, death is a certain fate. Yet he can’t just sit idly by. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself knowing he could have done something to keep his family safe yet didn’t.
“When Are You Going to Apologize? You’re a Liar!” – Iraq War Veteran Shouts Down George W. Bush at Beverly Hills Fundraiser (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) George W. Bush was confronted by Iraq War veteran Mike Prysner, while he was speaking at an event in Beverly Hills over the weekend.
WATCH: Their Reaction Is Priceless When Iraq War Veteran Stands Up In Middle of Red Lobster and Asks “Who voted for Biden?
(Patty McMurray) US Veterans are furious with the disastrous way in which Joe Biden pulled out of Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the Democrat Party continues to deflect from the most failed president in the history of the United States by attempting to convince Americans that the most pressing issue we’re facing today, is finding who walked between the velvet ropes in the Capitol building on January 6th, or how we punish Americans who continue to push for investigations into how Joe Biden stole the 2020 election.
MUST SEE: Rep. Paul Gosar DESTROYS Serial Liar Chris Wray — Demands Answers on Government Official’s “Execution” of Veteran Ashli Babbitt (Video)
(Jim Hoft) FBI Chris Wray is a serial liar.
Veteran Has Perfect Response After Surveillance Camera Catches Horrible Woman(?) Trying To Light Flag Hanging From His Front Porch On Fire Before Memorial Day [VIDEO]
(Patty McMurray) US Army veteran Adam Douglas was shocked when he reviewed his surveillance camera footage and discovered a woman (?) standing on his front porch and attempting to light his United States flag on fire.
‘Serve God, And Be Nice To People’: Oldest Living U.S. World War II Veteran Turns 111
(Jon Brown) The oldest living U.S. veteran of World War II turned 111 on Saturday and credited his faith for his life.
Army Vet Mysteriously Dies in Jail, Returned to Family With Throat, Brain and Heart Removed
(Matt Agorist) An honorably discharged army veteran went to jail over traffic tickets and two days later was dead with his brain, heart, and throat missing from his body.
Veterans Put On Skull Masks, March to Expose Epidemic of VA Abuse and Veteran Suicide
(Matt Agorist) Veterans from all over the United States gathered in front of the New Orleans VA hospital Sunday morning for a march to raise awareness for the epidemic of veteran suicides currently gripping the nation.