(Naveen A) In conjecture with the moon’s phase, the positioning will look like a smiling face looking down on us.
Planet Venus May Have Been Habitable For Billions of Years, NASA Says
(Sarah Knapton) The planet Venus may have been habitable for billions of years, Nasa scientists have calculated.
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A First Lady Who Described Traveling to Venus to Witness an Alien World
(Corbin Black) What would happen if the First Lady of the United States disclosed that she believed she traveled with extraterrestrials to Venus? It would no doubt create quite the international media sensation, right? Well, that’s exactly what happened in the case of Japanese First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama. However, did you hear about it at all?
Alien ‘Artifacts’ Made By Civilizations From Mars or Venus Could Be Hidden On Earth, NASA Study Suggests
(Jasper Hamill) You might think that humanity’s best chance of finding alien life involves peering deep into space and analysing faraway galaxies.
Bizarre: Nikola Tesla Was Brought To Earth From Venus, Says Declassified FBI File
(Ivan) The letter mentions how Nikola Tesla successfully invented a device that could be used for Interplanetary Communication.
Is there Alien life adrift in the clouds of Venus?
(Science Daily) In the search for extraterrestrial life, scientists have turned over all sorts of rocks.
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Did a Researcher Discover Huge Structures on the Surface of Venus?
Secret space program insider Corey Goode said that there are bases or facilities on Venus, but they are a mystery to even high level contacts in the program. For more on this see the below-linked article. Related Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 – Episode 11: Beyond the Limits of the Sun – Summary and Analysis | Corey […]
Venus & Jupiter to Pair in Spectacular ‘Star of Bethlehem’ Conjunction
No major celestial event goes without its major significance. What could the grand meaning behind this rare conjunction of Venus and Jupiter have in store for us? Given the blood-moon prophecies of this year, and that we are seeing an unparalleled level of awakening across the globe, this could be one herald of major changes coming for our world. The question is, are […]
ET’s Incarnating to Prepare for Event | Omnec Onec on Jerry Springer 1993
Julian found this interview from the early 90’s with Omnec Onec, who claims to be from an advanced race living on Venus. When we originally saw this several years ago, it was unclear what if any plausibility her story had, but as we continued to investigate ET’s, the Secret Space Program, and the Nature of Consciousness evolution, discussed […]