(Joe Hoft) Under President Trump America was energy independent. Now insanity and evil are running the White House and Biden is entertaining buying oil from terrorist nation Iran and communist nation Venezuela.
When Did Venezuelans Realize They Were Facing Hyperinflation?
(J.G. Martinez D) Seeing that hyperinflation on a global scale isn’t too far off in the future, I wanted to take the time today to address an important issue: when did the mass of Venezuelan society realize that they were living through hyperinflation? This is how things played out here…
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When Did Venezuelans Realize They Were Facing Hyperinflation?
( J.G. Martinez) Seeing that hyperinflation on a global scale isn’t too far off in the future, I wanted to take the time today to address an important issue: when did the mass of Venezuelan society realize that they were living through hyperinflation? This is how things played out here…
Caruzo – Socialists Host Massive Music Festival While Venezuela Struggles with Constant Blackouts
(Christian K. Caruzo) Caracas – The socialist regime of Venezuela held a free music and sports festival called “DracuFest” between April 12-16 in the city of Puerto Cabello, Carabobo, inviting foreign and local musicians to perform.
Joe Biden Opens Talks with Marxist Maduro Regime in Venezuela – Sidelines Opposition Leader Juan Guaido Recognized by Trump Administration
(Jim Hoft) Elections have consequences.
GOP Rep to Introduce Bill Providing Canadian Truckers Asylum from ‘Regime Like Venezuela’
(Jon Dougherty) A Republican lawmaker from New Mexico says she’ll be introducing legislation to temporarily provide asylum in the United States for Canadian truck drivers after comparing that country’s handling of opposition to COVID-19 vaccine mandates to “an authoritarian regime like Venezuela.”
Venezuelans Turn To Gold Nuggets As The Local Currency Implodes
(Joseph T. Salerno) The Venezuelan government recently lopped off six zeros from its hyperinflating currency, the bolivar. The highest denomination currency note of 1 million bolivars, worth less than $0.25, was replaced by a one-bolivar note. At the same time, a 100-bolivar note, worth about $25.00, was introduced as the new highest denomination of the bolivar. The currency conversion was designed to spare the government the embarrassment of having to issue a 100-million bolivar note to enable people to purchases everyday items without having to carry around bundles of notes, given that the price of a loaf of bread had risen to 7 million old bolivars. Of course, the arbitrary scaling down of the denomination of the currency will not slow inflation, because the new currency notes can be printed just as cheaply as the old. The bolivar has already lost 73 percent of its value in 2021 alone and the IMF estimates the annual inflation rate will reach 5,500 percent by the end of 2021.
Did Venezuela’s State-Owned Bank Collapse?
(J.G. Martinez) Recently, the news in Venezuela has been all about the collapse of the IT system of a state-owned bank. State-owned = no responsibility. They own the justice system, and the district attorneys are there to block any initiative to protect the citizens from events like these. So, yes, the situation is much worse than you could imagine. No one knows if their money will be there once the systems are back online.
4 Creative Ways Venezuelans Survived the Economic Collapse
(J.G Martinez) Venezuelans who chose (or had to), for whatever reason, to stay put in Venezuela had to endure somehow the circumstances resulting from the collapse. How those Venezuelans survived the economic collapse might serve as inspiration for you. After interviewing several brave childhood friends from my hometown, I compiled the following experiences on how they have protected themselves, their savings, and their belongings.
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Venezuela’s Central Bank Will Launch Digital Currency Oct. 1 to “Stabilize the Economy”
(J.G. Martinez) I have been home for over two months now, and I have only acquired four banknotes of 500,000 Bolivares each. Finding cash is a pain. I went to see if the bank could unlock my old account. Unfortunately, there is no way, and I will have to open a new one. And wait for God knows how much time for something as simple as an ATM card. The wait can be months in this small town.
Venezuelan Migrants Crossing US Border in Record Numbers, Report
(Nicholas Sherman) Roughly 6 million Venezuelans have fled their country since Nicolas Maduro took power in 2013.
Dr. Ben Carson Warns That Biden’s Budget Will Turn America Into Venezuela
(Anthony T) Dr. Ben Carson in his latest Fox News interview discussed the sinister reality of Joe Biden’s new $6 trillion spending budget.
Trump Takes Action Against Venezuelan Firm after It Allegedly Helped Rig Country’s Elections
(Jack Davis) A company that the Trump administration says helped Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro rig his nation’s elections earlier this month has been sanctioned by the Treasury Department.
“There’s No Limits to What’s Next – It’s an Attempt to Change the National Identity” – Venezuelan Activist Issues Warning on Current Leftist Revolution in America (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Over 100 statues have been destroyed, taken down or vandalized in America in the last three weeks.