(Lori Martin Gregory) Vaccine injury cases are on the rise people, so if you’ve got your head in the sand and you haven’t been paying attention, it’s time to wake up.
Media Admits That 10% of Those Infected with Measles Were Already Vaccinated, and That Measles Vaccines Don’t Even Work after a Few Years
(Ethan Huff) Though its official failure figure is somewhat questionable, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is finally admitting, at least, that the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella doesn’t always work as claimed – and even when it seems like it does, the vaccine’s effectiveness always wanes over time.
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Why Didn’t California’s Vaccine Mandate Stop the Measles?
(Ethan Huff) On June 30, 2015, then-California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law the infamous Senate Bill 277, an authoritarian legislative bill proudly sponsored and aggressively pushed by Senator Richard Pan of Sacramento that eliminated all vaccine exemptions throughout the Golden State, save for those considered to be medical in nature – meaning only licensed doctors are allowed to sign off on them.
“Mass Sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine
(Humans are Free) According to LifeSiteNews, a Catholic publication, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus vaccination program sponsored by the Kenyan government.
Japan’s Medical Freedom: No Vaccine Mandates And Healthier Children
(Mac Slavo) As politicians in the United States do their best to remove Americans’ freedom of choice when it comes to vaccines, Japan has medical freedom. There are no vaccine mandates in Japan and their children are growing up healthier than ours.
NBC and CNN Caught FAKING Measles Pics
(Nathan Stolpman) The mainstream media has been caught red handed faking measles photos of children seemingly in an attempt to scare the public into to getting vaccinated. YouTube reporter Nathan Stolpman of the Lift The Veil channel reveals the photos along with recent news about people being fined for not getting the MMR jab.
Are Western Doctors Compelled To Support The Vaccine Industry?
(Richard Enos) If we take a broad overview of the structure of conventional medicine in our Western societies, we are left with an inescapable conclusion: it is set up as a business, where profit is most highly valued and human health and safety is secondary. The evidence for this is overwhelming and is discussed in greater detail in many of our articles on the subject listed at the end of this article.
America’s “Medical Deep State” – The Role of the CDC
(Arjun Walia) You don’t have to go far to see the problem with American’s federal regulatory health agencies. It’s a huge problem. I am reminded of more than a dozen scientists from within the CDC who put out an anonymous public statement detailing the influence corporations have on government policies. They were referred to as the Spider Papers.
More Evidence of MMR Vaccine Failure: University Mumps Outbreak Among Vaccinated Students
(Brian Shilhavy) In the wake of yesterday’s measles “emergency” declaration in Rockland County, New York that prompted the county to implement the nation’s first ban on unvaccinated children from appearing in public places, news reports out of Philadelphia today reveal that over 100 students have been infected with mumps, in spite of the fact that almost all of the students have been vaccinated against it.
Disease Outbreaks Among Fully Vaccinated Students Show Insanity Behind Mandatory Vaccination Laws
(Brian Shilhavy) A federal judge in New York earlier this month (March, 2019) denied the parents of 42 healthy, non-vaccinated students, the right to attend the Green Meadow Waldorf School simply because they were not vaccinated for measles, even though no cases of measles had been reported at the school.
Deep State Pro Vaxx Training: “How to Be The Most Effective Advocate For Vaccination You Can Be”
Deep State Pro Vaxx Training: “How to Be The Most Effective Advocate For Vaccination You Can Be”
Armed Swat Team Violently Storms Family’s Home, Kidnaps Three Children for Not Being Vaccinated
(Ethan Huff) A family in Arizona is having to endure the wrath of the medical police state after a doctor decided to call the Department of Child Safety (DCS) on them for not vaccinating their children – resulting in an armed SWAT team raiding the family’s home and violently seizing their three children, all of whom were placed in temporary foster homes.
Unvaccinated Children Pose No Risk To Anyone, Says Harvard Immunologist
(Richard Enos) One of the strengths–and weaknesses–of a Western medical education is its predisposition to break things down and compartmentalize them. While much data is gleaned in the minutiae, very little attention is given to the interrelationship between disciplines. While a medical student may become a true specialist in their field, they too become compartmentalized, and are often […]
Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Mawson Homeschooled Study Reveals Who is Sicker
(Derek Knauss) It’s never been done before.The first-of-its-kind study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated American homeschooled children shows who is really ailing…and parents should be worried.
Reality Check: Questioning Vaccines is a Public Health Threat?
(Ben Swann) Not all vaccines are safe for all people, at all ages, in all quantities.Full stop! There is no question that scientifically and medically, that statement can be proven with ample evidence. In fact, U.S. taxpayers have compensated the families of vaccine injured children to the tune of $4 billion dollars in the past 30 years.