(Anna von Reitz) I am sick of this constant — and irresponsible — rant that the “U.S. is the most indebted nation in history”—- which somehow neatly avoids the point that the “U.S.” is not America and that America is the paramount security interest holder and Priority Creditor of not only the “U.S.” — meaning the […]
usa is a corporation
The Public Employee Fraud Against You in a Nutshell: Trademarking your Name and Registering it as an Asset to the Corportion of USA, Inc and subsideiaries
(Anna von Reitz) When you are born and your parents give you a name it is a Trade Name issued on the land jurisdiction of your birth state— like Oklahoma, but your innocent parents don’t hurry over to the land recording office and record your Common Law Copyright of your given name. Every state’s Session […]
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The Constitutional united States of America was Never Formally Abolished. Is It Now Being Revived?
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is an interesting article related to the claim “the united states” is being quietly switching back to the republic it once was. There is a lot to consider regarding this topic, and not all perspectives are accurate. However, much of what is contained below appears to be valid, although it […]
True Meaning of Voting: How the Voting System is Used to Drain Your Energy, And What You Need To Do To Stop It
Update – September 4th, 2022: When I original wrote this introduction, I believed that voting was form of distraction, as it tends to cause people to become complacent insofar as they often do not persue other means of addressing system corruption. This is still true; however, the acquiescence due to not voting is itself an […]
Rubicon Moment: Trump Wild Card vs Establishment | Bilderberg Group and Top Level Marketer to the Elite, Thinks: It Doesn’t Matter about Trump, “Hillary Will Win”
Presidential elections have become a farce in our modern day world. The people are led to believe that their vote goes towards a leader who will represent their interests, a legitimate position embodying a true form of democratic government. But anyone familiar with the legal history of the United States knows that the de jure […]
Missing 13th Amendment Found: “No Lawyers In Public Office”
The original U.S. Constitution, prior to the Civil War contained an amendment that prevented titles of nobility or double allegiances. In today’s world, it seems paranoid to prevent someone from having a dual citizenship, but as the following extensive history details, there is a very good reason for this. Setting the context for this story […]
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U.N. Takeover of Local Police and Social Services Announced: “The Strong Cities Network” | AG Loretta Lynch Launches Stealth Takeover Of America
To the well versed researcher, the United Nations takeover of the United States is nothing new. In fact all of the corporatized entities within the U.S., from the Office of the President all the way down to local police forces and city councils is already commercially beholding to the transnational UN. They are literally entities […]
Independence Day 2015 (July 4th): Is the USA Still the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?
This is a great post for this day of so called ‘independence’. We are living on a world where appearances are everything, where substance, the things that actually determine what a thing is, are largely forgotten. The pronouncements of our would-be masters, the rhetoric which obfuscates the truth from the eyes of the masses, can […]
Benjamin Fulford – June 15th 2015: Will it be chaos or controlled implosion as the Western bubble bursts?
The post seems to have been taken down on Fulford’s site. This article maybe updated or changed once he republishes it. Added links below. – Justin Source – Benjamin Fulford The signs are undeniable that some sort of historic event is imminent. The latest economic news makes it certain that the Western financial system as we know […]
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Benjamin Fulford – May 18th 2015: Khazarian mafia wants to donate funds to humanity in exchange for amnesty
Added links below. – Justin Source – Benjamin Fulford A representative of the G7 group of nations has been approached with a proposal by the Khazarian mafia banking community to “repurpose their funds for the benefit of humanity,” in exchange for “amnesty for certain Jewish bankers.” Russia and “certain foundations” would be involved in this plan, the […]
Benjamin Fulford – May 11th 2015: Engineered collapse of Western financial system looms
Added links below. Listen to this update with the below video. – Justin Source – Benjamin Fulford The world is headed for some turbulence over the coming months as part of the final removal of the Khazarian mafia from control of the Western financial system, multiple sources, including Japanese government, MI5 and pentagon officials say. […]
‘Masonic Police Department’ Arrested For Impersonating Public Officials…By An Illegitimate Government Who Is Also Impersonating Public Officials
This is a rather interesting story which could be connected to several of the narratives discussing disclosure this year. As many researchers have uncovered the government in the US is not a de jure or by the people organization, it is an insurgent run de facto occupy force, which took over the de jure government […]
USA, Inc Is Violating Public Trust, Contract and Statutory Code | US Spent $38,913,501,207.80 Over The Legal Limit
We have been hearing a great deal about the United States of America Incorporated being a defunct and now bankrupt organization, which was mentioned in David Wilcocks recent disclosure. This corporation is the 4th servicing company that has gone bankrupt, for the continental United States since 1789. This is very important because the debts which […]
USA, Inc. Committed Massive Identity Theft | Trust Law Understood – Open Letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Lew — from Anna von Reitz
Another detailed accounting of Trust creation and how express trusts have been created in our name for various purposes. The Trust concept has been obfuscated from the comprehension of the public for decades, working to the advantage of our would-be masters. It is paramount that we gain knowledge of these things so as to assert […]
Benjamin Fulford – April 27th 2015: Pentagon plays military card against China as Washington D.C. struggles for cash
Added links below. To listen to this update, see the video below. – Justin Source – Benjamin Fulford The bankruptcy of the West was postponed again last week with fudged accounting keeping both Washington D.C. and Greece (therefore the EU) from defaulting as high stakes negotiations over a new financial system continue. To bolster is […]