(Joe Hoft) China is raising the pressure and again threatening the US not to interfere with their actions related to Taiwan.
Top Harvard Professor Found Guilty of Receiving Payments From China
(Kevin Hughes) A top Harvard University professor has been found guilty of lying about payments received from China.
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With Biden in Charge, China Says It Doesn’t Fear a Confrontation with the US
(Joe Hoft) China says it has no fear of the US anymore.
US Immigrant Population Hits HIGHEST NUMBER in History After Just One Year of Joe Biden’s Open Borders, Open COVID Policies
(Jim Hoft) Thanks to Joe Biden’s open borders policies the US immigrant population is at its highest number in history.
HUGE! Glenn Beck on Tucker Carlson: US Doctors Were Reviewing Moderna Vaccine In December 2019 Before COVID Hit the US (VIDEO)
(Joe Hoft) Glenn Beck was on Tucker Carlson’s show on Wednesday night and he discussed the many actions taken by Dr. Fauci and friends before the China coronavirus (COVID-19) hit the US in early 2020.
EXCITING NEWS! Dr. Mehmet Oz is Running for US Senate as Republican in Pennsylvania – Takes Veiled Shot at Fauci in Announcement (VIDEO)
(Jim Hoft) Celebrity heart surgeon and Emmy Award Winner Dr. Mehmet Oz announced Tuesday that he is running for Senate in Pennsylvania as a Republican to fill the seat vacated by fellow Republican Pat Toomey.
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SMOKING GUNS: Despite Cover Up to Protect US Rich and Powerful and Treasonous US Government Workers, Designed Mutations and Cover-up Itself Confirm COVID-19 Origins
(Joe Hoft) Smoking guns, designed mutations, and the U.S. government cover-up of the laboratory origin of COVID-19
MI Gov Gretchen Whitmer Loses Control, Feds Step In After State Records Fastest Covid Surge in the US
(Elizabeth Stauffer) Perhaps no governor in the United States embraced the use of emergency powers with more zeal than Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat.
Thousands of U.S. Christians Fleeing to Russia: “Evil Wokeness Is Not Welcome Here”
(Nwo Report) Thousands of Christians are fleeing America to live in Russia as fugitives from the ‘evil wokeness’ that has infested the United States of America.
With Oil Prices Up More than 60% in a Year Biden Decides to Sell US Oil Reserves Overseas to Asia
(Joe Hoft) Biden is taking another action that goes against America. This one is costing Americans lots.
Biden Set to Announce a Big Agreement with China’s Xi Jinping
(Joe Hoft) Every move Biden makes helps China and hurts the US. Remember this. Every move.
Police Officers Across the US Resist Vaccine Mandates
(Matthew Davis) Major cities across the United States are in danger of losing a big chunk of their police forces due to resistance to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandates.
Should The Founding Principles of the United States Be Retained?
(E. Jeffrey Ludwig) Would it be useful or realistic to rename Manhattan and call it Transhattan in respect of gender fluidity? Would that new name not also reveal that not only is gender fluid, but New York City is fluid in the sense of being a crossroads of the world? Millions emigrated into the USA through Ellis Island near Manhattan. If Manhattan is renamed Transhattan, would not the past migration of people be seen for what it is — a dramatic change in demographics revealing the inherent changeableness of the world, and that radical change is progress? Would not the renaming help us see that deviation from the norm is normal? Our norms of today would have been considered deviations from the norm a couple of centuries ago. The philosopher Heraclitus said “all is change,” so if we accept his slogan as truth, “change” is the stable reality.
Bumbling Joe Biden Struggles to Spit Out Answer on Gas Prices — Begs Saudi Arabia to Bail Out US after His Actions Caused US Prices to Skyrocket
(Jim Hoft) Joe Biden’s first action as president was to shut down construction of the Keystone Pipeline and eliminate an estimated.52,100 American jobs in the process.
“It’s Much Worse Than We Thought” – CNBC’s Jim Cramer Sounds the Alarm on Inflation in the US
(Joe Hoft) Mad Money host Jim Cramer joined ‘Squawk Box’ to talk about his worries about inflation this morning. His worries are much worse than first expected.