(Steve Straub) In a move that is certain to scare our adversaries, especially China, Russia and Iran, the US Navy has released a new instructional video on the proper use of pronouns.
U.S. Navy Setting Up New Punishment Squad Called The CCDA To Punish Vaccine Resisters By ‘Administrative Separation’
(Patrick Howley) Military Leadership Is At War With Tradition.
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As Biden Fails Citizens in Kabul, US Service Members Jump in to Pick Up His Slack
(Grant Atkinson) President Joe Biden’s complete mishandling of the Afghanistan withdrawal has led to a news cycle full of horrifying pictures and headlines.
New Footage of “Transmedium” Sphere (UFO) Disappearing Into The Ocean From The U.S. Navy
(Nwo Report) The Facts:The US Navy photographed and filmed “spherical” shaped UFOs that seem to be capable of travelling not only in air, but underwater also. Footage of one of these objects has been leaked.