(Dr Leonard Coldwell) David Beasley, the current head of the United Nations World Food Programme, is warning that a perfect storm of global economic collapse is rapidly forming.
Climate ‘Marshall Plan’ — U.N. Joins World Economic Forum Call to End Oil, Gas, and Coal Use
(Simon Kent) U.N. chief Antonio Guterres on Wednesday called for an end to oil, gas, and coal use in favor of renewable sources as part of a self-described global climate Marshall Plan.
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The UN Is Warning That We Are Heading Into The Worst Global Food Crisis Since World War 2
(Michael Snyder) The executive director of the UN’s World Food Program is saying that we are now facing “a catastrophe on top of a catastrophe.” Unfortunately, he is not exaggerating. The global price of food was skyrocketing even before the war on the other side of the globe erupted, and now many of the countries that are extremely dependent on agricultural exports from Ukraine and Russia are going to have to turn elsewhere for answers.
The UN’s Unprecedented Witch Hunt Against Israel
(Jordan Cope) While largely established to forge “friendly relations among nations,” the U.N. has been anything but friendly toward the Jewish state: Israel.
This 83-Second Video of Biden at UN Is Absolutely Devastating for His Presidency
(Grant Atkinson) President Joe Biden delivered an address to the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday amid his many international failures. Whether it was embarrassment for his actions or just his general cognitive decline, he was unable to coherently portray his thoughts.
NGO Capture: How George Soros Bought out the UN Human Rights Commissioner
(Richard Abelson) Ignored by the MSM, Jay Sekulow’s European Center for Law & Justice (ECLJ) has released a groundbreaking report detailing how left-wing NGOs have infiltrated the office of the United Nations Human Rights Commissioner to advance a radical Open Borders and pro-abortion agenda.
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CLIMATE LOCKDOWN?: Globalist Elite Call For Extreme Measures To Tackle ‘Climate Change’
(Andrew White) The globalist elite are calling for the “equivalent of a coronavirus-pandemic-scale lockdown once every two years” to tackle climate change.
UN Announces Biometric Digital ID Wallet (Video)
UN Announces Biometric Digital ID Wallet (Video)