(Leisa Audette) Thomas Massie is right. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is the best governor in America. He’s fighting against tyrannical mandates by the government. DeSantis recently outlined his intent for a special legislative session to pass state laws protecting workers from getting fired as a result of their vaccine status.
TYRANNY: NYC Judge Restricts Unvaccinated Father From Visiting His 3-Year-Old Daughter in Ongoing Custody Battle
(NOQ Report) A New York City judge has officially taken away a Long Island father’s right to see his young daughter in person because he has not taken the experimental Covid-19 vaccine. Now in order to see his 3-year-old, the father must either get vaccinated or present a weekly PCR test in addition to a biweekly antigen test within 24 hours of a scheduled visit.
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EXCLUSIVE: COVID Relief Funds Distributed to Cities and States Require Full Compliance With Biden Vax Mandates; Counties Can Use Money To Bankrupt and REPLACE Local Businesses
(Mike Adams) As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, so-called “Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds” are distributed to states which then deposit those funds into the bank accounts of counties and cities.
Now Organ Transplants Are Being Cancelled Because the Donor Isn’t Vaccinated… All Organs Must Be Pre-“Spiked” With Spike Protein Toxic Nanoparticle
(Ethan Huff) An Ohio man is being denied a lifesaving transplant surgery because his organ donor refuses to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
New York Calling in National Guard to Fill Hospital Staffing Shortages Due to Vaccine Mandates
(Cassie B.) New York Governor Kathy Hochul has said that she is considering using the National Guard to fill hospital staffing shortages that are expected as tens of thousands of workers potentially lose their jobs for failing to meet a COVID-19 vaccine mandate deadline.
Videos: Israelis Rise up Against Vaccine Passports After Being Told More Shots Needed to Be Considered ‘Fully Vaccinated’
(News Editors) Protests have finally erupted in Israel as it has slowly dawned on people there that the goalposts for vaccine passports keep being shifted by the government.
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Half of America Gearing up to Wage Legal War Against Biden Over Unconstitutional Covid Vaccine Mandates
(Ethan Huff) At least 24 states, or roughly half of the country, is planning to unleash hell against the Biden regime over its unconstitutional Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates.
Confirmed: Gov. Inslee Setting up Covid Concentration Camps in Washington State, Issuing Job Listings for “Strike Team” Coordinators
(Ethan Huff) A Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “isolation and quarantine” facility has been set up by Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington state. And Inslee is now looking to hire people for the “strike team” that will run it.
Megadeth Rocker Tells Audience ‘We Have The Power To Push Back Against Tyranny’ (VIDEO)
(Mike LaChance) When it comes to the world of entertainment, Hollywood is overwhelmingly left wing. But the music business is a little different.
Now 27 States Are Fighting Biden’s Aggressive Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate
(Cassie B.) When President Joe Biden issued his ill-advised executive order mandating vaccines for much of the nation’s workforce, the immediate response in many corners was shock and outrage. Even those who believe in the virtues of COVID-19 vaccines expressed concerns that the move was a serious threat to Americans’ health freedom. And now, more than half of American states are fighting back.
Employers Are Uniting and Preparing Lawsuits Against Biden’s Seditious Vaccine and Testing Mandates
(Lance D Johnson) The Biden regime continues to declare war on the American people. On September 9, 2021, Biden gave one of the most violent, tyrannical speeches in American history, while espousing a number of unconstitutional decrees that violate the sanctity of the individual and the free market. In the speech, Biden demanded all businesses with more than 100 employees to violate the medical privacy and body autonomy of all their employees, and require injections against people’s will. Under Biden’s decree, employees who do not comply will be stripped of their due process rights, classified as filthy vectors of disease, and subject to weekly covid-19 test swabs and/or nasal probes that are provably fraudulent.
Zach Vorhies Reveals Google’s Plan to ENSLAVE Humanity
(Ramon Tomey) Former Google senior engineer turned whistleblower Zach Vorhies exposed Google’s plan to enslave humanity in favor of artificial intelligence. He told the Health Ranger Mike Adams of this plan when he appeared in an episode of the Health Ranger Report on BrighteonTV. Vorhies added that Google is indeed complicit in a plot to bring down America.
ACTION: Australian Supreme Court Hearing Multiple Mandatory Vaccine Cases As COVID Tyranny Rages The Nation
(Andrew White) The NSW Supreme Court is hearing arguments against COVID tyranny as Australia’s citizens struggle for freedom.
A New “Medical Hitler” – Biden Declares Himself Medical Dictator, Threatens to Nullify States’ Rights and Coerce the Entire Population into Taking Deadly Vaccine Jabs Against Their Will
(Mike Adams) Ripping a page right out of Adolf Hitler’s playbook, fake president Joe Biden last night declared himself a medical dictator over America, claiming he alone has absolute power to bypass states’ rights, nullify state governors and force the American people to take deadly, experimental “vaccines” that are actually biological weapons designed to exterminate human life.
American Men Need to Stand up and Stop the Covid Tyranny
(Ethan Huff) Steve Lynch, who ran for governor of Pennsylvania, delivered a rousing speech at a recent Freedom Rally in which he called on men everywhere to band together and take back our country from the Branch Covidians.