(Patty McMurray) On Sunday evening Elon Musk tweeted a disturbing message: “If I die under mysterious circumstances, it’s been nice knowin ya”
Elon Musk Shreds Ocasio-Cortez In Brutal Tweet
(Carmine Sabia) Elon Musk has mastered the art of trolling on Twitter and, in particular, trolling the far left.
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Is the Draft Being Reinstated in the US? Here’s a Tweet That Suggests It Is.
(Jeff Thompson) We’ve been covering the war in Ukraine. The Organic Prepper told you it was coming before it started. Now, it is here, and all signs seem to indicate that this thing is only going to expand aggressively.
Old Tweet from Hillary Clinton Resurfaces, And It Reminds Everyone Why She Wasn’t Elected
(Martin Walsh) Hillary Clinton is back in the news again this week, and it’s not for a good reason.
Rose McGowan Tweets at Hillary Clinton That She Was in Bill Clinton’s Hotel Room: ‘Here Comes the Bomb’
(NOQ Report) Actress Rose McGowan is one of the most vocal critics of the Democrat establishment. It began at the start of the #MeToo movement when she came out as one of the most prominent names sleaze bag producer and prominent Democrat donor Harvey Weinstein allegedly got rapey with. She also called out the Democrat hacks running #MeToo for being complicit. Now the actress is living extremely dangerously. She’s calling out Hillary Clinton.
Kamala Harris’s Niece Meena Harris Slams All White Men After Colorado Shooting — Then Quietly Deletes Tweet After Shooter ID’ed as Muslim from Syria
(Jim Hoft) On Monday ten people were gunned down in a mass shooting at a Boulder, Colorado King Soopers grocery store.
BUSTED! Eric Swalwell Caught Using Photoshopped Tweet at Impeachment Trial #FakeNews
(Jim Hoft) If they’re not cheating, they’re lying.
Lawyer Lin Wood Says ‘They Are All Going to Jail’ in Tweet
(James Anthony) Controversial lawyer Lin Wood had a lot to say on Saturday on his Twitter account. He went as far as accusing four people in Georgia involved with the election process as being complicit with foreign agents.