Rumors and claims regarding NESARA, GESARA, and various other “prosperity programs” have been circulating the internet for decades. After research, there appears to be some truth to NESARA, which is the notion that a set of hidden accounts are being held in trust for some future age of economic prosperity, originally incorporated by the infamous Saint Germain. According to the story, when NESARA goes live, disbursements from these trust accounts will take place. However, what the idea or belief in NESARA also tends to do is stymy efforts by awakening populations to restore social trust in the human family, which if done, would see an incredible rise of prosperity and abundance before NESARA disbursements. In short, we don’t need to wait for NESARA to begin creating the metaphysical structures that empower us to be abundant and restore the planet.
trust law
History of Trusts: Why the Pope Presumes to Own You
(Pao Chang) In the first paragraph of the article below, it says “we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” This sentence was borrowed from Unam Sanctam, a document written by Pope Boniface VIII. The words you need to pay attention to are “every […]
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Free Money? Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts (Birth Certificate/Strawman Trust/Bond)
What if we could pay our debts with money from a government account? Well a small group of individuals appear to have found a way to do just that. They are accessing what are apparently called Treasury Direct Accounts to pay credit cards, mortgages, student loans and so on. It might sound like the latest internet scam—and I’m not necessarily saying that it isn’t—but there’s a very real lawful and legal reality to comprehend behind this latest promise for “legal remedy.” But before you get your latest credit card bill out, there are some major risks in law that needs to be considered.
Roman Church Pope Assumes Ownership of All Land, People and Souls!
(Jeff Anderson) Unam Sanctam is one of the most frightening documents of history and the one most quoted as the primary document of the popes claiming their global power. It is an express trust deed. The last line reads: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every […]
Essential Legal Knowledge ALL PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW — United States Secrets: Why You Should Not Be a Citizen, Person or People
Source – Omni Thought by Pao Chang, October 28th 2016 One important thing you need to know about the United States is the fact that it is operating under a less severe form of martial law. Because of this, The Constitution is suspended. This is why you see the gold fringe U.S. flag in nearly […]
Neil Keenan | The Challenge To Uncover Your Corporate Identity: Collateral Accounts, Straw man Trust, Sovereignty, Federal Reserve Notes, Bankruptcy, Gold and more
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) This is actually a very informative research report put together by Neil Keenan’s team, which I have personally verified the veracity in past studies. We’ve covered much of what is presented below in other articles on this site, which I will embed within the following as needed. A […]
The Truth About the Pledge of Allegiance: Indoctrination And Obedience | The Power of Affirmations and Pledges
Giving a pledge of allegiance using one’s voice to speak the words into vibration is a very powerful tool for manifestation. In law, speaking our mind via the word is known as a testament, using our free will, the most powerful thing in the universe. Related The Law Explained: Session 5 – Documents and Securities A […]
Reclaiming Wealth for Humanity | The Connection Between 9/11, JFK and The Global Collateral Accounts
Contrary to contemporary views, the wealth that exists on the planet has been entrusted to all life by the Creator. Each living being has a right to access resources so long as one fosters projects that do no harm and benefits humanity. The Dragon family have secured wealth in the form of gold and precious […]
The Birth Certificate, Cesta Que (Cestui Que Vie) Trust, “Justice System” and What Role We SHOULD Play
The following is a compilation of articles, videos and research related to the Cestui Que Vie trust, Birth Certificate. In my view, this is essential to understand how the legal system is fraudulent in its application of justice. But oddly enough, it is also a way to understand how a truly honorable system can work, […]
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Identity Theft and Birth Certificate Fraud Are Big Business For Corporate Government
The identity theft outbreak is reported as a symptom of the information age. With social security numbers, birth dates, names and addresses used online, it is very easy for criminals to fake loan applications, procure credit lines and receive government benefits under false pretenses. But what if the crime of identity theft was government sanctioned, […]
The Power of Knowledge Demonstrated (Video) | LA Resident Knows His Rights And Schools The Police
Update – Apparently the video is not showing up for some readers. I have added the raw link above the video which can be pasted into a new tab. The hidden aspect of our justice system is slowly becoming unearthed in these shifting times. The average citizen of corporatized nations are led to believe that […]
Benjamin Fulford Notice: Our Response – Validity of Intellectual Property: Copyright, Patent and Trade Mark Claims
Ben posted this Notice addressing us in regard to sharing his weekly newsletter, in full, after it is released on his site on Mondays. This has caused quite the controversy and in interest of full disclosure, honesty and discussion of the facts for our collective empowerment, we are going to fully reveal the basis of […]
Frauds: Marriage Licenses, Civil Unions and 501(c) (3) Incorporation | Judge Anna Von Reitz Wait a Moment…. “How can it be illegal for people to get married?”
With the recent Supreme Court decision, stating gay marriage is not unconstitutional, many are cheering at what could be thought of as a granting of liberties. But is there something more insidious at work? What is a Marriage License or Civil Union within a legal framework? Generally speaking something that is Legal is simply a government codification. […]
Doing What’s Right After 81 Years, Judge Rules Administrative Court System Illegal
The so called justice system is a fraud, there is no rule of law, there is no true justice, and the Cabal use it to further enslave the masses. When will the people realize that they have been duped? This is the question burning in the minds of all whom have taken up the hard […]
Worldwide Online Event: Witness the Ratification of the ITNJ | An Overview of the ITNJ
An Overview of the ITNJ as it Relates to Current Jurisprudence Written by Justin Deschamps Edited by Julian Robles & Aaron Meileiac Stillness in the Storm A Historic Initiative Where ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ OF THE WORLD – RESTORE JUSTICE & RULE OF LAW’ Event found @ LIVE STREAMING OF THE CEREMONIAL SEATING WESTMINSTER HALL — Following the issue […]