(Allan Miller) Attorney Sidney Powell was back at the White House again on Monday afternoon. This is Powell’s third visit to the White House in the last four days.
Trump Legal Team
Trump Legal Team Insists Their Real Deadline Is January 6th
(Art Moore) Amid warnings that Tuesday marked the first “safe harbor deadline” for resolving legal challenges to the election, the Trump campaign legal team issued a statement arguing election contests historically have lasted well beyond the Dec. 8 and Dec. 14 statutory dates.
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Fraud in Michigan: Giuliani at House Oversight Committee
(Ryan DeLarme) Rudy Giuliani, the Former mayor of New York City and an attorney with President Donald Trump’s campaign, testified Wednesday evening before a Michigan legislative committee in Lansing.
“On to SCOTUS!” Trump Legal Team Responds to Third Circuit’s Opinion in Pennsylvania Election Case
(Cristina Laila) The Third Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday granted an expedited review for Team Trump’s appeal in Pennsylvania after an Obama judge dismissed their lawsuit seeking to block the state from certifying its election results.