(John Solomon) The truckers clogging Canada’s streets may not have won any concessions yet on COVID-19 restrictions, but they can claim one victim: Justin Trudeau’s popularity.
Trucker Convoy
Video: Ottawa City Officials, Police Label Trucker Convoy As ‘Terrorist Insurrection’
(Steve Watson) City officials in Ottawa have claimed that the capital is “under siege” and that the trucker convoy protesting vaccine mandates constitutes a “nation-wide insurrection”, with one council woman even calling the movement “terrorism.”
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Five Freedoms – Julie Ponesse’s Speech to the Trucker Convoy
(Waking Times) Last November we shared a speech by Dr. Julie Ponesse entitled Do Not Give Up Your Rights. She was a professor of ethics who taught at Ontario’s Huron University College for 20 years, but was banned and placed on leave for refusing to comply with the college’s vaccine mandate.
Canadian PM Trudeau Wimps Out, Moved to Secret Location, So He Wouldn’t Have to Face Convoy of Truckers
(Jack Davis) Amid an outpouring of democracy in the streets of Canada’s capital Saturday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau went into hiding.
Trudeau Calls Trucker Convoy ‘Fringe Minority’, Announces He’s Isolating For Protest Weekend
(Chris Tomlinson) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has labelled the anti-mandatory vaccination trucker convoy heading to Ottawa this weekend a”fringe minority” with “unacceptable views.”