(Nolan Barton) Stew Peters warned people around the world about the dangers of flying as pilots are now being subjected to vaccine mandates that require them to get vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to keep their jobs.
Biden Regime Discusses Setting up Highway Checkpoints to Mandate Vaccines for Interstate Travel Across the United States
(Ethan Huff) Fake “president” Joe Biden wants only people who have been “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) with one of Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections to be allowed to travel across state lines in the United States.
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Two Kamala Harris Staffers in Charge of Planning Travel Resign Amid Disastrous ‘Border’ Trip
(Cristina Laila) Kamala Harris’ Director and Deputy Director of “Advance” resigned while Harris was in El Paso, Texas on Friday. Kamala Harris traveled to El Paso, Texas on Friday, more than 90 days after she was appointed “border czar” and it was a disaster.
THOUSANDS of Flights Cancelled as Vaccinated Pilots Fall Ill or Die
(Humans Are Free) According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, pilots suffer an increased risk of clotting issues due to frequent and prolonged air travel. Pilots are encouraged to be aware of the signs of deep venous thrombosis and clotting issues and take preventative measures such as compression stockings and stretching of their legs during long flights.
“What’s the Point of Vaccinations?” British Travelers from Portugal Ordered to Quarantine for 10 Days Despite Being Fully Vaccinated
(Virgilio Marin) British tourists who failed to fly back home from Portugal before travel restrictions went into effect on Tuesday, June 8, were required to quarantine at home for 10 days regardless of whether they were fully vaccinated. The mandatory quarantine sparked criticism from vacationers who already received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Globalist Klaus Schwab Called for Implantable “Global Health Pass” Microchip Back in 2016
(Ethan Huff) More than five years ago, World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab gave an interview in which he promised that an implantable “global health pass” microchip would be unveiled within the next 10 years to track and control all of humanity.
Berlin Now Requires Negative COVID Test For Entry Into Non-Essential Businesses
(Joe Martino) In society right now, we’re not having open and honest conversations, and it’s driving division like we’ve never seen before. Allow me to explain. People have a great deal of questions regarding COVID-19, and those questions are not honestly being explored in mass culture. And while some of the doubts and questions are in fact unfounded and perhaps paranoid, other questions are founded in science or are at least very grounded inquiry – so why are ALL questions being painted with the “unhinged conspiracy” brush?
Scientists Propose That We Can Travel Faster Than The Speed of Light
(Joe Martino) In Star Trek Gene Roddenberry imagined it possible to set a ship into ‘warp drive’ and travel at speeds 6000+ times the speed of light, moving from one galaxy to a distant one very quickly. Imagine having that type of technology here on earth?! It has been said before that if we can think it, we can create it. Well, maybe that’s sometimes true.
People are Noticing Something Odd About Kamala Harris & Biden Photos Showing Them Traveling Together
(Kyle Becker) Joe Biden and Kamala Harris spend a lot of time together nowadays.
Vaccine Passports And Medical Martial Law
(Jesse Smith) Almost one year ago, former President Trump declared a national emergency and the White House announced a 15-day plan to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Governments around the world either preceded the U.S. or soon followed with similar pronouncements. The upsurge in totalitarianism since these edicts were installed is mind-boggling.
American Airlines Promises ‘Investigation’ After Flight Attendant Bullies Elderly Woman To Tears For Briefly Lowering Mask
(Andrew White) Last night, republican strategist Andrew Surabian described a situation on his American Airlines flight in which he witnessed a flight attendant harass an elderly woman for briefly removing her face mask, in a series of tweets.
ANOTHER Airline Announces ‘COVID Passports’ Will Be “Essential” For Travel
(Steve Watson) “That has to be the number one priority: to get vaccines in the hands in as much of the global population as possible, and then connecting this to a COVID passport”
Airline Says They Won’t Let People Fly If They’re Not Vaccinated
(Mark Horowitz) Qantas, the leading Australian airline, has announced that it will not allow passengers to fly on international flights unless they can show documents proving that they have had the COVID-19 vaccine.
Mercola: Global Vaccine Passport Will Be Required For Travel
(Dr. Mercola) Around the world, there’s considerable resistance against mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, but even if the vaccine ends up being “voluntary,” refusing to take it will have severe implications for people who enjoy their freedom.
‘CommonPass’: New COVID-19 Security Measures Will Make Health A Prerequisite For Travel
(Raul Diego) Imagine standing at a TSA security checkpoint on your way home for the holidays. You’re getting ready to go through the awkward travel procedures instituted almost immediately after 9/11 when the Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) was created and air travel in the United States morphed into a search and seizure operation with the implied possibility of your detention and interrogation.