(Natural Blaze) A toxic cocktail of chemical pollutants in U.S. drinking water could result in more than 100,000 cancer cases, according to a peer-reviewed study from Environmental Working Group – the first study to conduct a cumulative assessment of cancer risks due to 22 carcinogenic contaminants found in drinking water nationwide.
FLASHBACK, 1997: FDA Adds Poison Warning to Fluoride Toothpaste
(Justin Deschamps) Fluoride is a neurotoxin that the mainstream medical establishment has refused to acknowledge, or has it? The following is one of the most glaring pieces of mainstream evidence confirming this fact. Keep this article handy as an excellent source to share with others.
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More Evidence that Fluoride Lowers IQ: Will the CDC Keep Ignoring It?
(Robert F. Kennedy, Jr) In the United States and Canada, exposure to fluoride is widespread and comes primarily through ingestion of fluoridated water supplied by community water systems.
Lymph Nodes and Your Deodorant
(Only Good Inside) Did you know which very important system in your body, doing many crucial jobs at the same time, to keep you alive, fed, protected and healthy?
How Much Glyphosate Is Really in Your Beer? Health Ranger Test 26 Popular Beers in Science Lab to Reveal Surprising Answer
(Mike Adams) According to media reports, beer products are heavily saturated with glyphosate, a toxic, cancer-causing weed killer chemical. But is the media really telling the truth?
FDA Analysis Reveals Sunscreen Chemicals Soak All the Way Into Your Bloodstream
(Mandy Froelich) You’ve heard it from YouTube influencers and scientists alike: when you’re in the sun, you need to slather on sunscreen. While this is good advice for families who visit the beach only a handful of times each year, it could be the opposite for folks who use sunscreen every day. Why? Because according to a recently-released report by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the UV-blocking chemicals soak all the way into your bloodstream.
Report Finds The Average Person Swallows The Plastic Equivalent Of A Credit Card Every Week
(Mayukh Saha) We consume plastic every day. And that quantity is growing as each day we let our planet get inundated in a plastic tide. The thick bed of plastic floating on the sea; the beasts and birds choking to death on plastic; it all used to be a part of the dining table conversation. And then suddenly we find that it is a part of our diet. We are surrounded by plastic and almost all of the food that the modern man consumes is either packed in plastic or has plastic mixed in it, in some form of the other.
We Are Being Poisoned: Leaked FDA Report Finds “Forever Chemicals” in U.S. Food Supply
(Mac Slavo) In a leaked report that we are guessing the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) didn’t want to get out, is data showing that there are “forever chemicals” in meat, poultry, milk, and chocolate cake. The toxic carcinogenic chemicals are called “forever chemicals” because of the time they take to break down.
Sunscreen Fraud: Consumer Reports’ Recommends Sunscreens That Seep Poison Into Your Bloodstream
(Dr. Joe Mercola) While there are instances where sunscreen may be prudent, these products are widely overused and contribute to widespread vitamin D deficiency. In my view, sunscreen is rarely needed, provided you’re following sensible sun exposure guidelines to prevent burning. Simply get out of the sun or wear clothing the moment your skin starts to turn light pink.
10 Cancer Causing Products to Remove From Home + Dangers of Wi-Fi
(Jenny Hills) As a parent and spouse, you try to ensure your family is healthy and happy, and you do everything within your power to keep them safe. It doesn’t cross your mind that the products that you are using to keep them safe may actually be placing them in harm’s way.
Researchers: Hair Dyes Have a Direct Connection to Breast Cancer
(Tracey Watson) Though dying their locks might seem like an absolute necessity for many women as they get older and the gray starts setting in, new research from Finland should give women everywhere pause, as it indicates that this apparently harmless beauty ritual could be linked to an elevated risk of breast cancer.
How Government Sanctioned Cell Towers are Causing Cancer in Children
(Will Justice) Over the last three years, four students at Weston Elementary school in Ripon, California have been diagnosed with cancer.
Toxins in Vaccines: Should You Be Concerned?
(Will Justice) Heavy Metals from Your Faucet: How Coal Companies are Poisoning Your Drinking Water
The Cost of Looking Good: Experts Warn Cosmetic Testers Carry Disease
(Jhoanna Robinson) It’s not unusual for someone to try out a product first before heading to the cashier to pay for it, especially if there’s a tester for the item. However, would you still consider putting something on your lips and skin if you knew that it has been used by a lot of people already?
Empty Nutrition: How Flavor Technology Led to a Massive Deterioration of Food Quality
(Janine Acero) We are told to “never choose style over substance,” and it appears that that same saying can be applied to food. Many people choose flavor over nutrition, sacrificing their health in the process.