(Jeff Grabmeier) Young children from low-income homes whose mothers reported frequent use of toxic chemicals such as household cleaners were more likely to show delays in language development by age 2, a new study found.
Toxic products
30-Year Study Finds Weekly Use Of Disinfectants Greatly Increases Your Chances Of Lung Disease
(Amanda Monteiro) A 30-year study conducted by Harvard researchers and the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research determined that people who use disinfectants just once a week have a 22-32% of developing lung disease.
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Monsanto Pays Out $10 Million for Spraying Toxic Chemicals on Hawaiian Crops
(Mac Slavo) The embattled biotech company Monsanto will have to pay a hefty fine of $10 million for spraying a dangerous pesticide on “research crops” in Hawaii. Over 160 lbs if the pesticide used was stockpiled and sprayed even after it was banned by the US government.
Diapers and Menstrual Pads Laced with Toxic Chemicals
(Humans are Free) A new report highlighted by Environmental Health News demonstrates that most diapers and menstrual pads contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and phthalates, endangering millions of babies and seniors who may be absorbing these chemicals through the genitalia. Congress and the FDA must take action to protect these populations.