(Mac Slavo) According to internal documents, Monsanto and Germany’s BASF knew their products would destroy farms in the United States. The firms disregarded the risks even while they planned on how to profit off farmers who would buy Monsanto’s new seeds just to avoid the damages caused by their products.
toxic food
What’s In Standard Fast Food & Chain Restaurants Menus: Seriously, Is It Safe To Eat?
(Catherine J. Frompovich) Up front, I must admit I have conflicts of interest in writing this article. I eat about 95% to 98% organically-grown food, mostly all fresh, too! That’s the extent of my “conflict of interest,” since I do not advertise any brands or products, and never have in my professional career.
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Empty Nutrition: How Flavor Technology Led to a Massive Deterioration of Food Quality
(Janine Acero) We are told to “never choose style over substance,” and it appears that that same saying can be applied to food. Many people choose flavor over nutrition, sacrificing their health in the process.
Is Your Popcorn Laced With Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals?
(Kathryn Alcantar & Jose Bravo) No one should be exposed to toxic chemicals in their food, particularly children. But that’s exactly what the Center for Environmental Health found in tests of microwave popcorn bags sold in discount retailers. Communities of color and millions of poor Americans frequent these stores.
Children May Be Eating Cereal Laced With Monsanto’s Toxic Weed Killer
(Caroline Cox) Quaker Oats “Life” and “Squares” cereals. Gerber and Beechnut baby oatmeal. Cheerios. Store brand “O” cereals from Target, Safeway, Walmart, Trader Joe’s and Kroger. All those products were contaminated with glyphosate (often sold as Roundup) in recent independent testing conducted by the Center for Environmental Health (CEH).
Farmed Salmon — Contaminated with Toxic Flame Retardants
(Dr. Mercola) Fish are an important part of the ecosystem and the human diet. Unfortunately, overfishing has depleted many fish stocks, and the proposed solution — fish farming — is creating far more problems than it solves. Not only are fish farms polluting the aquatic environment and spreading disease to wild fish, farmed fish are also an inferior food source, in part by providing fewer healthy nutrients; and in part by containing more toxins, which readily accumulate in fat.
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Glyphosate Hurts Gut Microbiome, Genes And Sexual Development At “Safe” Dose
(Heather Callaghan) Glyphosate-based herbicides like Monsanto’s Roundup are used the world over. In fact, Roundup is still the most popular and widely used weedkiller in the entire world. Pesticide propagandists are fond of leaning on the idea of “safe” dose, but can there really be a safe dose for a substance that causes breast cancer at parts per trillion?
Investigation Into the Link Between Energy Drink Consumption and Mental Health Problems
(Michelle Simmons) A study published in the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism has investigated longitudinal associations between energy drink consumption and symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress in young adults.