(Lance D Johnson) Bank runs have already begun in Russia. The Russians are flocking to the banks and ATMS, as Russian banks are cut off from The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (S.W.I.F.T.). This international system is the main messaging network by which banks process financial transactions worldwide. Global institutions are targeting Russians at a rapid pace. Entire banks are being “canceled” in Russia, and the citizens there will ultimately be the ones who suffer.
Shocking Survey Shows Women Today Generally Support Censorship and Totalitarianism While Men Prefer Free Speech and Liberty
(Ethan Huff) The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Higher Education Research Institute conducted an experiment several years back which found that women are driving America’s continued decline into totalitarianism.
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Reveals Globalist Plan To Undermine Freedom Through Vaccine Passports
(Ramon Tomey) Ben Armstrong of the New American shared a revelation by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. regarding the globalist objective of eliminating freedom.
“No One Has Ever Complied Their Way Out of Totalitarianism – This Is the Hill We Need to Die On” – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Releases New Year’s Statement
(Jim Hoft) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is quickly becoming one of the most important voices of our time. He continues to fearlessly call out the tyranny that is ripping apart the fabric of our country.
HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Calls on People of Faith to Unite in a Worldwide Anti-Globalist Alliance to Free Humanity from the Totalitarian Regime (VIDEO)
(Joe Hoft) Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò appealed to Catholics, Christians, and people of Faith to unite against the dark forces of globalism.
‘Our Country Is Under Attack’: RFK, Jr. Speaks on CIA and Totalitarianism
(Children’s Health Defense) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense chairman, last month spoke at the 2021 Ron Paul Institute “Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism” conference where he called for Americans to stand up and protect the U.S. Constitution.
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Supply Chain Crisis, Shortages, Price Hikes to Continue Well into 2022: Report
(Lance D Johnson) Top economists at Goldman Sachs now warn of upcoming food shortages, price hikes and an ongoing supply chain crisis that will continue well into 2022. If no solution is found, the supply chain crisis could continue into 2023, affecting the availability of food and other goods, while driving prices up steadily, month after month.
ACTION: Australian Supreme Court Hearing Multiple Mandatory Vaccine Cases As COVID Tyranny Rages The Nation
(Andrew White) The NSW Supreme Court is hearing arguments against COVID tyranny as Australia’s citizens struggle for freedom.
Uk Science Advisory Committee REGRETS Using Fear to Control People, Admit They Used “Unethical” and “Totalitarian” Methods
(Lance D Johnson) In March of 2020, the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavior instructed government officials across Europe to instill fear in the population and increase “the perceived level of personal threat.” As countries prepared to lock down, the science committee told government ministers “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently [and] personally threatened” by covid-19. In order for the controlling lockdowns to work, the committee instructed government officials to use fear to their advantage.
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A Scientific Approach to Totalitarianism: Paranoid Pelosi Demands More Security Indefinitely, Conservatives Are “The Enemy Within”
(Ulysses S. Tennyson) Today, Nancy Pelosi insisted that the Joe Biden administration and her Democrat congress were so beloved by the American people that they needed unprecedented “supplemental” security forces in perpetuity, without any talk of an ending date. This comes amid bizarre allegations by Democrats that Joe Biden won the presidency with more votes than any human being in the history of America.
Huxley’s Warning: Totalitarianism in the 21st Century
(T.R. Clancy) In the foreword to the 1946 edition of his novel, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley anticipated the continued emergence, perhaps in novel forms, of statist totalitarianism:
Seven Quotes to Lay Out a Totalitarian America
(Tom R. Keltner) How might a Biden administration lead us to a totalitarian state? What parallels may exist with previous pathways that lead to totalitarianism? These seven quotes could provide some insights.
How Totalitarianism Begins
(Andrew P. Napolitano) Serious issues are implicating personal liberty and public safety in Portland, Oregon. The police are not enforcing local and state laws. They are refraining from doing so because they have been so instructed by elected public officials.