(Katie Daviscourt) “I think the fact that it was Taylor Lorenz who is a known hypocrite and is known to dox people, I think that the fact it was her helped people rally support for me,” Libs of Tik Tok creator told Tucker Carlson while discussing Lorenz.
Tik Tok
WATCH: Rapper Creates Viral “Let’s Go Brandon” Theme Song, Starts Trend On Tik Tok (Video)
(The Gateway Pundit) Rapper Loza Alexander has made a catchy viral song that samples a kid saying “Let’s Go Brandon” alternating with the famous “F*** Joe Biden” Chants.
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U.S. Truckers Plan Nationwide Protest Against Mandatory Vaccines: “On August 31st, On Tuesday, We’re Asking That Everybody Not Go To Work… This Truck Is Shut Down Officially” (VIDEO)
(Jordan Conradson) Tomorrow, Truckers across the United States will stop driving their trucks for at least one day to fight against vaccine mandates.
Creative Tik Tok Poster Gives A Math Lesson On Infection And Death Rates Of Covid – Wonders Why We’re Afraid [Video]
(B.K. House) Today’s math lesson will be on Covid19 numbers and percentages. Pay attention. There will be no quiz in the end, but the fate of the nation and even the world may hinge on people’s understanding of the numbers.
White British Guy Gets 18 Plastic Surgeries to Become Non-Binary Korean (VIDEO)
(Cristina Laila) A white British man underwent 18 plastic surgeries to look like a member of the K-Pop band “BTS.”
COVERED UP BY TIK TOCK: PA DELETED Absentee Voter Data, But This Guy Downloaded It Before They Scrubbed It
(Will Justice) Cover-ups of voter fraud are ongoing. But one patriot got the data before it was scrubbed.