(Just the News) Watters made the comments Monday onstage at a conservative political conference.
The Washington Post
Tell Tale Signs Show Biden is a Compulsive Liar, He Fits the Definition Because He Keeps Telling Fake Stories
(C. Douglas Golden) How fake are President Joe Biden’s outlandish personal anecdotes? Consider that The Washington Post ran a 24-paragraph story when it turned out one of them might be true.
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“Pandora Papers”: The Left-Wing Media are a Tool for Soros and They’re Too Dumb to Notice
(Richard Abelson) The Washington Post, the Guardian and 150 other news outlets have obtained access to 11.9 million “confidential files” on offshore bank accounts and companies in 200 countries, melodramatically dubbed “the Pandora Papers”, the next in a series of illegal hacks released to damage certain companies and high-profile figures after the “Panama Papers” and “Paradise Papers”, among others.
Elder Concedes Defeat in Bid to Unseat Newsom but Hints at Renewed Effort, Saying ‘Stay Tuned’
(Joseph Weber) Elder was top GOP candidate and is expected to finish as overall top contender in field of 46 to unseat California Gov. Newsom.