(Jayne Rising) Today’s agriculture relies heavily on the use of pesticides. Even home gardeners don’t seem to have a problem applying Preen to keep the morning glory from sprouting and Sevin to eradicate what does grow. Unfortunately, while pesticides do have their uses, they also have many, many drawbacks.
the organic prepper
BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND: Get 60% Off EVERYTHING in The OP Learning Center
(Daisy Luther) If you’ve been wanting to buy books or courses, now is the “most wonderful time of the year” for you because every single thing in The OP Learning Center is 60% off. This is our all-time lowest price of the year for every product and our way of saying THANK YOU for your support!
Support this site so we can continue to tell you the truth.
Global Shortage of Commercial Fertilizers Will Affect the Already Struggling Food Supply Chain
(The Organic Prepper) As if we don’t have enough problems with shortages, it seems there’s a global shortage of commercial fertilizers as well. These inputs are required to produce the amount of food needed to feed everyone. A lack of fertilizer will cut significantly into food production. That, of course, will lead to even higher prices at the grocery store.
Why is China So Interested in Afghanistan?
(Jeff Thompson) Why is China so interested in Afghanistan? Not content with buying up land and businesses in the United States and Europe, now they’re apparently ready to “help” Afghanistan.
China Is Vehemently Urging Citizens to STOCKPILE FOOD Before Winter
(Aden Tate) In a rather shocking turn of events, China has instructed its citizens to begin stockpiling food for what it deems to be a difficult winter.
Should I Stay or Should I Go? How to Decide Whether to Bug Out or Bug In During an Emergency
(Daisy Luther) When disaster seems imminent, there’s one vital decision that preppers have to make: grab your bag and bug out or hunker down and bug in? The lyrics from the chorus of a song by The Clash sums it up – you’ve got trouble either way, but one way will be worse than the other.
Carbon Calculator Credit Card Measures “Personal Carbon Allowance”
(Jeff Thompson) 2021. Have you checked your Personal Carbon Allowance allotment lately?
This Army Veteran Is Secretly Rescuing People Abandoned in Afghanistan
(Aden Tate) A man’s family is trapped inside hostile enemy territory where they are being actively hunted. He has specialized military training from the number one military force in the world. He’s on his own, and if discovered, death is a certain fate. Yet he can’t just sit idly by. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself knowing he could have done something to keep his family safe yet didn’t.
Want Some Freedom with That Coffee? 5 Pro-American Coffee Companies
(Aden Tate) If, like me, you enjoy your daily coffee habit but tire of the ever-increasing number of globalist coffee companies out there that seem to hate everything that America stands for (while profiting from us), you’re liable to be interested in pro-American coffee companies owned by Americans who actually love America.
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On a Special Diet? Here’s What to Eat When the Supply Chain Breaks
(Joanna Miller) Many people adhere to special diets these days for various reasons. But, what is there to eat when the supply chain breaks? With the global supply chain in place for decades now, residents of first-world countries have had access to just about everything. Many people live in dry, windy Colorado and eat a gluten-free diet involving lots of nut and rice flours. Lots of people can be vegan and enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables in any major city. You can even live in cold Minnesota and eat a keto diet full of avocados and coconut oil.
What We Need to Know About Saule Omarova, Biden’s Russian-born Comptroller of the Currency Nominee
(Jeff Thompson) On September 23, 2021, Biden suggested a new Comptroller of the Currency – a Russian named Saule Omarova. Here’s what you need to know about her.
What “Supply Chain Problem”? The Government Wants You to Know Everything Is FINE.
(Daisy Luther) It’s only hypercritical people like me who think that the Biden administration is doing an utterly terrible job. The reality is, everything is just fine except for a few pesky hoarders who are causing problems.
Be Better Prepared in 28 Days
(Daisy Luther) This guide can help you get prepared with one simple task per day. At the end of just ONE MONTH, you’ll be ready for common emergencies like power outages, financial problems, evacuations, and natural disasters.
What to Put in a Bug-Out Bag for Toddlers
(Aden Tate) Have you ever considered a bug-out bag for your little ones? Well, imagine this: disaster has struck, and you decide to get your family out of the house and head for the hills. One of those family members happens to be a toddler. While you’ve undoubtedly built your bug-out bag for such an event, what about a bug-out bag for toddlers?
Did Venezuela’s State-Owned Bank Collapse?
(J.G. Martinez) Recently, the news in Venezuela has been all about the collapse of the IT system of a state-owned bank. State-owned = no responsibility. They own the justice system, and the district attorneys are there to block any initiative to protect the citizens from events like these. So, yes, the situation is much worse than you could imagine. No one knows if their money will be there once the systems are back online.