(Natalie Winters) Dr. Susan Desmond-Hellmann – a member of Pfizer Inc.’s Board of Directors – previously served as the Lead Independent Director at social media giant Facebook. The site has routinely censored posts relating to COVID-19 vaccines, with Pfizer in particular eliciting support from major corporate outlets.
The national pulse
DATA: Trust in Presidency, Congress, Military and Media in Free Fall as Americans Say China is ‘Enemy’ and COVID Came from Wuhan Lab.
(Kay Smythe) A new Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute (RRPFI) sponsored national poll on priorities and opinions of Americans on defense, military, and foreign policy issues has found a “sharp decline in trust and confidence in the U.S. Military” and a “growing ambivalence about U.S. leadership in the world.”
Support this site so we can continue to tell you the truth.
Trump Is Right. Mark Milley Is, In Fact, a Fucking Idiot.
(Raheem J. Kassam) The nation’s top military officer has a track record of rank stupidity and insubordination.
Pro-Pedophile Professor Placed on Leave by University
(Kay Smythe) Atransgender professor from Old Dominion University has been placed on leave after a video of them advocating in support of people sexually attracted to children went viral on social media.
YouTube Hides the ‘Dislike’ Counter in Obvious Attempt to Shield Biden Regime.
(Kay Smythe) YouTube has removed its famous “dislike” button and counter following unprecedented levels of downvotes on President Biden’s White House channel videos. The removal of the feature was mooted in March. This week, it was announced that YouTube will be removing it.
EXCERPT: How Soros’s Secret Network Used Ukraine to Cover for Hillary, Hunter, and Target Donald Trump.
(Matt Palumbo) In 2014, Soros’s International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) and its grantees were active supporters in the creation of the Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC) of Ukraine, a powerful NGO. Through the end of 2018, 17 percent of AntAC’s funding was coming from Soros’s group.
Over 20 Fauci-Funded Researchers Have Served At the Chinese Communist-Run Wuhan Lab.
(Natalie Winters) Over 20 American scientists who have received taxpayer funds from 637 grants by Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases have also served as visiting lecturers and researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal.
EXC: Unearthed Wuhan Lab Docs Show ‘Bat Lady’ Shi Zhengli Isolating Coronavirus Strains For ‘Direct Human Infection.’
(Natalie Winters) Shi Zhengli – the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s premier bat coronavirus researcher – celebrated her isolation of a coronavirus strain that could cause “direct human infection” in an annual lab report unearthed by The National Pulse.
KLINE: Zuck’s Bucks were ILLEGAL.
(Phil Kline) Mark Zuckerberg’s unprecedented intervention in 2020’s election was not legal, argues former Attorney General Phil Kline.
DATA: Most Americans Say Fauci Has ‘Lost ALL Credibility’.
(Raheem J. Kassam) Fauci continues to falter as Americans wake up to bureaucratic tyranny.
CHINA FIRST: Biden-Linked CCP Oil Firm Hits Record Production Amidst Keystone Pipeline Cancellation.
(Natlie Winters) Increasing evidence suggests Joe Biden is running the American government for the benefit of the Chinese Communist Party.
Anti-Vax Mandate Protests Continue Across France as Election Season Heats Up.
(Alister Riviere) On Saturday, anti-vaccine mandate proponents took to the streets of France for the 12th weekend in a row. Around 50,000 protesters manifested their opposition to the “vax pass” instituted by the French government before the summer. In Paris alone, around 10,000 joined the march.
REVEALED: Pfizer Lobbying Hits Decade High as DOZENS of High-Profile Political Appointees Become Big Pharma Reps.
(Natalie Winters and Raheem Kassam) Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent vaccine rollout, pharmaceutical giants including Pfizer and Moderna have substantially increased their lobbying efforts, a National Pulse investigation has revealed.
Pfizer Whistleblower Reveals E-Mails Implying Aborted Baby Cell Use in Vaccine.
(The National Pulse) Pfizer insider Melissa Strickler leaked internal emails to Project Veritas revealing company executives instructing staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID-19 vaccine.
The Left Cheered When Australians Gave Up Their Guns. Now They’re Being Shot By Their Own Government in the Streets.
(Raheem J. Kassam) Harrowing footage from Australia reveals police enforcing lockdown laws with all the fervor of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. The images we watched out of China – at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic – are now being replicated on the streets of Western nations.