(Humans Are Free) Top political figures and Big Tech leaders are using the common refrain that the COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity to “reset” and “build back better.” But what does it really mean to “build back better”?
the great reset
“What is the Great Reset?”: A Blatant Propaganda Video by the World Economic Forum
(The Vigilant Citizen) The video “What is the Great Reset?” is a bizarre piece of PR / propaganda. At face value, it appears to say “don’t worry about the Great Reset, we love you all very much”. However, through coercive words and powerful symbols, the message most people get is “we’re doing this … whether you like it or not”.
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Returning to Slavery: The Great Reset, Tracked & Traced, and a Cashless Society
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) How do you market and implement a financial system that nobody would want if they understood its full ramifications — a change so huge that it not only would mean the end of currency as we know it, but a total revision of sovereignty and individual rights?
You’ve Likely Never Heard Of The NGFS, But It Controls Nearly All The World’s Money And Will Be Used To Force The ‘Green Agenda’ Of The Great Reset
(Geoffrey Grider) The U.S. Federal Reserve Board, the nation’s central bank, has officially joined the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS). That’s “Greening,” as in “environmentalism,” “Greta Thunberg,” “Green New Deal,” and all that. And as the Times makes clear in its headline, the left is loving it. NGFS is an organization that few Americans have heard of, and yet it’s potentially one of the most powerful entities on the planet: Its roster of members and observers is nearly 100, including such mighties as the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. And now, the U.S. Federal Reserve. So we can see that just about all the money in the world passes through its institutions. That’s power.
The Great Reset’s Official Launch Date is Jan. 25-29 in Davos, Switzerland
(Silviu “Silview” Costinescu) The World Economic Forum has just published what can only be called the official flyer for the coming Davos 2021 meeting of the World Economic Forum leaders, the masterminds behind The Great Reset.
Dr. Mercola Discusses the Solutions to The Great Reset with Derrick Broze
(Natural Blaze) Derrick Broze interviews Dr. Joseph Mercola about The Great Reset, the growth of technocracy, cryptocurrency, Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory and more.
Covid-1984, the Great Reset, Transhumanism and the New World Order
(Humans Are Free) As we approach the final days of 2020, Spiro is joined by author, journalist and recently retired registered nurse, James Perloff, to reflect on what is widely considered to be the wildest and worst year perhaps in our lifetimes.
The United Nations & the Origins of ‘The Great Reset’
(Humans Are Free) “Freedom faces a new enemy. The tyranny comes under the disguise of expert rule and benevolent dictatorship. The new rulers do not justify their right to dominance because of divine providence but now claim the right to rule the people in the name of universal health and safety based on presumed scientific evidence.”
WATCH: Mayor de Blasio to New Yorkers: ‘Our mission is to redistribute wealth’ — The Great Reset
(Libby Emmons) New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced some big changes to the educational infrastructure in the Big Apple today, in a move that appears to be designed to drive wealthy parents and children away from public schools, and perhaps out of the city altogether.
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COVID the Great Reset – Connecting the Dots (PART 1)
(Natural News) The year 2020 has been one of the craziest, strangest, and most bizarre years in recent history, with the virus frenzy, lockdowns, quarantines, forced face diapers, election fraud, “warp speed” vaccines, and murmurings of a “Great Reset.”
The Great Reset and Klaus Schwab
(David Solway) Klaus Schwab, the chief proponent of a global project called the “Great Reset,” may be the most influential “intellectual” in the world today. A former member of the UN Advisory Board on Sustainable Development, he is the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) that meets annually in the Swiss resort town of Davos. Business Insider explains, “Each year, business leaders and heads of state give lectures and speak on panels about topics ranging from gender equality and venture capital to mental health and climate change.” And as the WEF website states, “The non-profit organization’s aim is to engage the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”
The Great Reset Cannot Be Complete Until America Is Placed Under U.N. Authority – Joe Biden Pledged Tuesday To Make That A Reality
(Geoffrey Grider) Former Vice President Joe Biden spoke with U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday, promising a “strengthened partnership” on a host of issues from coronavirus to climate, all predicated on a resumption of access to U.S. taxpayer dollars.
THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump (Video)
THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump (Video)
(JUSTIN HASKINS) In June, elites at important international institutions such as the World Economic Forum and the United Nations launched a far-reaching campaign to “reset” the global economy.
Sesame Street Sells Its Soul to the Great Reset
(James Delingpole) It has teamed up with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to make a series of videos brainwashing educating children about the vital importance of learning to live with the ‘New Normal’: wearing masks, maintaining six feet social distancing, gratefully accepting their vaccine shots, getting used to not playing with friends in person but just meeting them virtually on a screen…