(Jack Burns) Millions of Americans are about to be celebrating the Christmas season not being fully aware just how anti-religion and anti-spiritual the People’s Republic of China actually is. Not only do they persecute Christians and demolish their houses of worship, but they force innocent people into slave labor making Christmas lights for 10 hours a day in what can be referred to as black site concentration camps. Seriously.
the free thought project
California to “Solve” Homeless Problem by Throwing Homeless People in Prison
(Matt Agorist) There is no doubt that California is experiencing a homeless crisis. In certain parts of the state, the homeless problem has turned into a public health issue as well, as many homeless people struggling with addiction have resorted to using public sidewalks as personal toilets. But the only solution that government seems to want offer is more police state. Officials in Bakersfield just announced that they will be solving their homeless problem by throwing people in jail.
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FBI Data Shows 5 Times More People Killed by Knives Than Rifles Last Year
(Matt Agorist) Despite repeated calls for the banning of “assault” rifles, the FBI’s own data shows that knives are used to kill 5 times as many people.
Watch as Cops Record Themselves Making Up Fake Charges to Kidnap Innocent Man, Steal His Car
(Matt Agorist) If you still have any doubt that police are here just for your protection, the following video should be enough to convince you otherwise. An entirely innocent man, Charles A. Spradlin had committed no crime, had harmed no one, and was on his own property when two Georgia State Troopers illegally stopped him, kidnapped him, and stole his vehicle. The gross violation of rights was captured on video as the two troopers discussed the various ways to accomplish their illegal goals. The trooper’s conduct is now the subject of a federal lawsuit.
Federal Court Rules Cops Can Steal Your Stuff and it Does NOT Violate the Constitution
(Jack Burns) A 9th Circuit court ruled cops can get away with stealing your stuff and there’s nothing you can do about it because cops have qualified immunity protecting them from lawsuits.
CPS Worker Defies Gag Order, Exposes Violent Child Sex Ring in State Foster System
(Matt Agorist) A woman who previously worked for the Arizona DCS has broken her gag order and is speaking out about a horrifying child sex trafficking ring in which children are raped and tortured.
Instead of Arresting the Homeless Population, City Paying Them to Pickup Trash
(Jack Burns) With the problem of homelessness in some cities becoming an epidemic, one Arkansas city appears to have a common sense approach to tackling the problem head on. They’re taking taxpayer dollars and paying the homeless to pick up trash.
Infuriating Report Reveals DMVs Across the US are Selling Your Personal Info and Making Millions
(Matt Agorist) A scathing report has revealed the DMV offices across the country have been selling out American citizens, while making millions doing it.
Edward Snowden Releases Tell-All Book, Promptly Notes He’s NOT Planning to Kill Himself
(Matt Agorist) “This is important for the record. I am not now, nor have I ever been suicidal,” Snowden says. “If I happen to fall out of a window, you can be sure I was pushed.”
VICTORY! Court Rules Gov’t Must Refund Millions in Red Light Camera Fines
(Matt Agorist) Tens of millions may soon be refunded to drivers who’ve been extorted through the city’s unconstitutional red light camera system.
Google, YouTube Forced to Pay $170 Million Fine for Illegally Monitoring Children Online
(Matt Agorist) “Google and YouTube knowingly and illegally monitored, tracked, and served targeted ads to young children just to keep advertising dollars rolling in.”
DARPA Unleashes Anti-Meme Militia to Fight Deepfakes & ‘Polarizing’ Viral Content
(RT News) The Pentagon has unveiled an initiative to fight ‘large-scale, automated disinformation attacks’ by unearthing deep-fakes and other polarizing content – with the eventual goal of rooting out so-called ‘malicious intent’ entirely.
Police Unveil System That Allows Them to Watch Video from Your Phone’s Camera
(RT News) A New Jersey police department has unveiled technology that allows 911 operators to stream video from callers’ smartphones. Sounds like a good idea, at first – but where does the surveillance stop?
Top Court Rules Cops Can No Longer Stop People After Claiming to Smell Marijuana
(Matt Agorist) In a major win for freedom, Maryland’s top court ruled this month that police can no longer stop people based on the smell of marijuana.
Government Officials Steal Man’s Home Over $8.41 in Unpaid Taxes
(Brittany Hunter) The unconstitutional practice of home equity theft has allowed individuals to be stripped of their property without fair compensation.