(Michael Snyder) Why are companies all over the world suddenly desperate for workers? In my entire life I have never seen anything like this. When the labor shortage started in the United States, a lot of people blamed overly generous government handouts, but that doesn’t explain why the exact same thing is happening in nation after nation all over the globe. There aren’t enough factory workers, there aren’t enough truck drivers, there aren’t enough port workers, there aren’t enough employees to properly staff our stores, and the shortage of doctors and nurses is becoming a major crisis in some areas. During normal times, we were always told that the global economy was not producing nearly enough jobs for everyone, but now for the very first time we are facing an enormous worldwide labor shortage. It is almost as if millions upon millions of people suddenly disappeared from the system.
the economic collapse
We Should Be Shocked By What Inflation Is Doing To Home Prices, Because We Have Never Seen This Before
(Michael Snyder) If you are shopping for a home right now, I really do feel sorry for you. Home prices in many areas of the country have officially crossed the line into “absurd” territory, and they just keep going higher. Thanks to wild spending by the federal government and the economic malpractice that has been happening at the Federal Reserve, we now have way too many dollars chasing way too few goods and services. Inflation is showing up in every sector of our economy, but it is not showing up equally in all sectors. One area where inflation threatens to spiral completely out of control is in home prices. Right now we are seeing the wildest bidding wars in U.S. history, and in many, many cases buyers end up paying way over listing price.
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U.S. Financial Markets Have Become A Giant Mirage Built On A Foundation Of Fraud
(Michael Snyder) Would you pay more than 100 million dollars for a single deli in rural New Jersey that had less than $36,000 in sales during the last two years combined? I know that sounds like a completely ridiculous question, but the stock market apparently thinks that deli is worth that much. On Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 34,000 for the first time in history, and investors all over the country cheered. But this financial bubble is not real. It is a giant mirage that is built on a foundation of fraud. Investors have lost all touch with reality, and in this sort of euphoric environment a small deli in rural New Jersey can literally be valued at more than 100 million dollars…
The Number of Americans That Are Depressed or Considering Suicide Has Soared Because of the Covid Lockdowns
(Michael Snyder) As we head into winter, health authorities are telling us to stay at home as much as possible and to keep contact with others at a minimum. They are telling us that we must do this for our own good, but the truth is that the mental health of the American people has been absolutely devastated by the various restrictions that have been imposed since the COVID pandemic first began. Coming into this year, suicide was at an all-time record high in the United States and more Americans were on anti-depressants than ever before. Unfortunately, the COVID lockdowns have made things even worse. The following is an excerpt from a study that was released just a few days ago…
So Donald Trump Just Got Joe Biden to Admit That He Wants to Ban the Entire U.S. Oil Industry…
(Michael Snyder) Can you imagine how Joe Biden’s campaign team must be feeling right now? They have been working night and day for months to put their candidate in a position to win the election, and he has been leading in most national polls. Over the last several days they spent many hours carefully rehearsing every potential question, and they just needed Joe to get through one last debate without making some sort of colossal game-changing mistake.
Here Are 3 Reasons Why Very Few Experts Are Trusting the National Polls That Show Biden with a Huge Lead over Trump
(Michael Snyder) With just two weeks to go until Election Day in 2016, some national polls showed that Hillary Clinton had a double digit lead over Donald Trump, but those polls turned out to be dead wrong. Will the national polls that show Joe Biden with a huge lead over Trump in 2020 also turn out to be dead wrong? A few days ago, Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon made headlines all over the nation when she told supporters “we are not ahead by double digits” and that they should not believe the “inflated national public polling numbers”. Just like so many others, Jen O’Malley Dillon fully understands that most of the big national polls simply cannot be trusted. They are creating a perception that we are likely to see a landslide victory by Biden on Election Day, and the mood in this country is likely to shift dramatically when that perception does not become a reality.
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Over Half Of All Young Adults Are Living With Their Parents – Highest Level In Modern American History
(Michael Snyder) As the chaotic events of 2020 have unfolded, large numbers of young people have moved back in with their parents, and this has pushed the percentage of Americans in the 18 to 29-year-old age bracket that live with their parents to the highest level ever recorded.
Americans Have Already Skipped Payments On More Than 100 Million Loans, And Job Losses Continue To Escalate
(Michael Snyder) Those that have been hoping for some sort of a “V-shaped recovery” have had their hopes completely dashed. U.S. workers continue to lose jobs at a staggering rate, and economic activity continues to remain at deeply suppressed levels all over the nation. Of course this wasn’t supposed to happen now that states have been “reopening” their economies. We were told that things would soon be getting back to normal and that the economic numbers would rebound dramatically. But that is not happening. In fact, the number of Americans that filed new claims for unemployment benefits last week was much higher than expected…
It Only Took 2 Days For Seattle’s “Autonomous Zone” To Descend Into Chaos…
(Michael Snyder) Protesters in Seattle decided that they were going to give us a living, breathing example of how the world should really operate. The police were completely kicked out of a six block area of downtown Seattle, and armed guards were posted at all the entrances to the “Capital Hill Autonomous Zone” in order to make sure that their “utopia” would not be interrupted. At first, people were dancing and singing in the streets, free food was being passed out to everyone, gardens were being started, and free movies were being played at night under the stars. It was such a glorious beginning for “CHAZ”, but within hours major problems began to develop.