(Zero Hedge) Coronavirus isn’t just causing humans to fight in the aisles of Target over toilet paper. Today in “signs of the apocalypse”, hungry monkey gangs are also swarming and fighting – for food – on the streets of Thailand.
Thai Doctors “Cure” Coronavirus Patient Using Powerful AIDS Drugs
(Zero Hedge) A couple of days ago, Zero Hedge decided to highlight a string of tweets by respected epidemiologist Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding wherein he noted some unusual characteristics of the novel coronavirus (nCoV-2019) that has swept across nearly two dozen countries since emerging in the central Chinese city of Wuhan last year.
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A Case Study Of False Flag Operations | Bangkok Blast: Who The Liars Say Did It, Says It All
The false flag operations plaguing the planet are pandemic. The Cabal’s global power structure of control is not absolute, but of a proxy nature, meaning it requires layers of deception and manipulation for stirring a people to suit its interests, using seemingly independent organizations. Related 42 Government ADMITTED False Flag Attacks The following article details a […]