(Zero Hedge) Lockheed Martin has secretly been developing a game-changing compact nuclear fusion reactor that could potentially fit into a fighter jet. The Maryland-based defense contractor recently obtained a patent associated with its design for a fully compact fusion reactor, after filing for the patent in 2014.
Samsung’s Brain Erasing Hypnosis Program Does What 24 Hour Cable News Has Been Doing To You For Years
(Dylan Charles) Something happens when you finally decide to turn off the television and stop tuning into the ‘programming’ being pumped into your head. The mind clears. You begin to focus on your own life and things that actually matter to you personally. And, you stop losing time into the bottomless void that is television.
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Facebook Hires “Third-Party” Fact-Checkers To Stamp Out “Fake News”
(Zero Hedge) As Facebook scrambles to avoid a potentially devastating fine from the Federal Trade Commission, the company announced more measures on Thursday seemingly designed to appease Democratic lawmakers like Senator Mark Warner who are insisting that strenuous regulations are the only way to ensure that Facebook does everything within its power to prevent state actors from “sowing discord” by planting disingenuous advertisements and posts on the company’s platform.
MIT Scientists Develop Device That Generates Electricity From Thin Air
(Amanda Froelich) Did you know? Though it seems like the atmosphere around us maintains a constant temperature, it actually fluctuates minute-to-minute, every day. Using a thermal resonator, it is possible to harness energy from these fluctuations. In fact, this is what scientists with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have been doing for the past year.
Jon Rappoport: UFO’s Can Warp Space Time?
(Jon Rappoport) Luis Elizondo, former head of a secret Pentagon program studying UFOs, is now extending his recent remarks about craft witnessed in our skies…
Facebook Keeps Intimate Secret Files on You, Even If You DON’T Have One: Here’s How To See Yours
(Matt Agorist) It is no secret that Facebook has long exploited its user base, kept a trove of data on them, and is essentially an intimate and personal database on 1.4 billion people ripe for the picking of the surveillance state. The insidious nature of Facebook has discouraged many people from using it and is causing […]
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Report: “Internet Bill of Rights” Concept Gains Traction as Trump Gets Alerted to Big Tech’s Censorship
(JD Heyes) A concept first introduced by communications giant AT&T — calls for Congress to pass an “Internet Bill of Rights” (IBOR) — is gaining new converts as well as traction since it was first reported by Infowars in January. Related Google Now Waging All-Out Censorship War Against Conservative Websites Through “Fact Checking” That’s No More Than Biased […]
FREAKY: Boston Dynamics’ Spotmini Robo-dogs Can Coordinate, Navigate, Open Doors, Climb Stairs and Even Load the Dishwasher
(Natural News) A secretive robot project by Boston Dynamics is turning heads. In a 45 second video titled, “Hey Buddy, Can You Give Me a Hand?” you can catch a glimpse of SpotMini, Boston Dynamic’s robotic dog that can coordinate with other robots, open doors, climb stairs, and even load the dishwasher. Related Cyborg Soldiers, Artificial Intelligence, and […]
If Wireless Radiation Exposure Is No Big Deal, Why Do Manuals for Cell Phones, iPads, Wi-Fi Routers, Etc. Include Guidelines and Warnings?
(Activist Post) Many products we buy for personal use are sold with a separate manual booklet or pamphlet that includes guidelines for safe use. Some digital products include this within the device itself instead of separately. Source – Activist Post by Staff Writer, February 5th, 2018 Since many of us don’t bother to read the […]
Why Telepathic Based Technology Could Start Emerging In The Very Near Future
(Arjun Walia) “We didn’t know how to explain it, but we weren’t so much interested in explaining it as determining whether there was any practical use to it.” Related: Reality of Suppressed Technology | This Is What The “Secret Government” Does To New Technologies That Could Change Our World Source – Collective Evolution by Arjun Walia, January 3rd, […]
The Google Effect: Have We Stopped Learning?
(The Mind Unleashed) Born before the smartphone era? You used to know your family’s mobile numbers off the top of your head. You would have spent hours at the library and you would end up buying a map every time you went on vacation. That doesn’t happen anymore. In this day and age, we have something […]
CIA Funding of Tech Companies
(James Hall) Government funding of companies provides a steady stream of support for tech developing innovations. One vehicle for facilitating this relationship can be found in an entity called, In-Q-Tel. IQT describes their function as: “In-Q-Tel is the independent, not-for-profit organization created to bridge the gap between the technology needs of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) and […]
Addiction to Technology Is Creating Digital Slaves Who Can’t Think for Themselves
(Jhoanna Robinson) It would amaze you to know that a lot of people nowadays are turning to the Internet for answers to life’s simplest questions; then again, maybe not, maybe you’re doing it yourself. Related: The ABOLITION of WORK – Modern Economies are nothing but Slave Plantations: Un-Consent from Modern Slavery with this empowering Truth! Source – Natural […]
The Future Is Now! Star Trek Technologies Becoming Reality
(Cindy Louc) Ok. Ok…ya’ll know I AM a Star Trek fan, and so…I could not resist putting up this article describing how the advanced tools we all have seen on this beloved series mimic recent medical advances! Many have wondered about the similarity between new devices we are seeing now vrs. the standard “gizmo’” we saw […]