(Ryan DeLarme) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, despite China’s repeated warnings, landed in Taiwan early this morning. The curious stunt has caused China to flex its might by moving aircraft carriers into the South China Sea as well as positioning tanks on Chinese beaches opposite Taiwan.
Biden Vows US Will Respond Militarily If China Attacks Taiwan
(Tyler Durden) Biden’s Taiwan statements are now being presented as yet another high stakes moment wherein the ageing president “misspeaks” – according to Bloomberg.
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China Buzzes Taiwan with Fighter Jets and Bombers and US Bases in Japan as Joe Biden Travels to South Korea
(Jim Hoft) Joe Biden landed in Seoul, South Korea on Friday for meetings with the new leader.
Leaked Report: Xi Plotted to Invade Taiwan in the Fall But Putin’s Ukraine Experience Gave Him Pause
(Jack Davis, The Western Journal) A new report claims that China could have been thinking about trading in its bombast toward Taiwan for bombs as soon as this fall.
Chi-Coms Sail Aircraft Carrier Through Taiwan Strait in Show of Force Just Hours Ahead of Joe Biden’s Call with President Xi
(Jim Hoft) Duan Dang — China’s Shandong aircraft carrier and a Type 052D destroyer spotted heading to Taiwan Strait on March 17.
China Again Threatens the US with “Unbearable Cost” Over Taiwan
(Joe Hoft) China is raising the pressure and again threatening the US not to interfere with their actions related to Taiwan.
China Warns of ‘drastic Measures’ If Taiwan Continues on Path Toward Independence
(Just the News) Beijing official said territorial dispute at Taiwan Strait will become more complex, severe
Taiwan Halts Rollout of Second Pfizer Dose for Teens Due to Widespread Heart Problems
(Ethan Huff) So many young people are developing myocarditis and other associated heart problems from the first Pfizer Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine dose that the government of Taiwan has halted administration of the second dose.
China Makes Unprecedented Military Moves on Taiwan — Then Xi Jinping Issues This Ridiculous Statement
(C. Douglas Golden) In recent weeks, China has engaged in an unprecedented show of force against Taiwan, flying dozens of fighter planes near the island nation it views as a breakaway province.
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Taiwan Rebuffs China’s Reunification Threats (VIDEO)
(Nwo Report) Taiwan responded to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s vow to achieve “peaceful reunification” with Taiwan earlier this week. President Tsai Ing-wen called on Beijing to abandon its coercion, reiterating that only Taiwan’s people could decide their future.
Biden Effect: Taiwanese President Warns of Catostrophic Consequences if China Takes Over Island Days After Military Incursions
(Jim Hoft) Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen vowed to ‘do whatever it takes’ to guard Taiwan against an invasion by China. She warned that if its allies allowed it to fall ‘it would signal that authoritarianism has the upper hand.’
Taiwan Informs Australia It’s ‘Preparing For War’ As China Sends Record 52 PLA Jets Toward Island
(Tyler Durden) Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu in a hugely provocative interview with Australian broadcasting ABC’s China tonight program warned that Taiwan is preparing for war with China and urged its larger Indo-Pacific neighbor to help.
China Warns Taiwan Not to Trust United States Following Disastrous Withdrawal of Afghanistan
(Ian Cheong) As the United States grapples to deal with the rapidly unraveling situation in Afghanistan, which was prompted by President Joe Biden’s withdrawal of US military forces from the country, China has seized upon Biden’s apparent inaction and inability to respond to the Taliban’s total takeover of the country by firing a warning at Taiwan.
WWIII? CCP Threatens to Nuke Japan in “Full Scale” War if They Intervene in Taiwan; “There Will Be No Peace Talks” – VIDEO
(Julian Conradson) In an ominous new video that was circulated by the Communist Party of China, they vow to use nuclear bombs on Japan “continuously until it’s unconditional surrender” in an all out war if they decide to intervene in China’s planned re-taking of Taiwan.
It Looks Like China Is Preparing for a Full Shock Assault Landing to Retake Taiwan
(Kevin Catapano, The Western Journal) The Chinese military continues what appear to be preparations for a potential invasion of Taiwan, which threatens an eventuality that would force President Joe Biden to make an ugly foreign policy decision.