(Vigilant Citizen) This elite event featured stars from Brazil and around the world dressed in highly symbolic attire. Here’s a look at these costumes and their hidden occult meaning.
The Symbolism of Dreams According to Jung
(Exploring Your Mind) The symbolism of dreams depends on how they integrate our conscious and unconscious lives.
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The Disturbing Hidden Meaning of “Lola” by Iggy Azalea
(Vigilant Citizen) “Lola” takes place in an insane asylum, with evil nurses and lots of pills. And, through symbolism, the video celebrates the sick world of trauma-based mind control.
Pope Francis and the Devil’s Horns
(Humans Are Free) After having bumped into the images displaying Pope Francis making the “horns sign” on January 17 while visiting the Philippines, and having found myself both in shock and dismay, I decided to dive into this subject in the attempt to research its origin, especially since the idea of the rock gesture of the devil horns seems to be commonly interpreted as a way to say “I Love You”.
Celebrities as Symbols — The Power of Archetypal Influence
(Justin Deschamps) Celebrities are symbols. They represent exemplified aspects of social values instantiated within a cultural milieu. In simple terms, the reason a celebrity rises to high social status is that people believe in them. Why? Because they represent something people believe is valuable. And the powers that be know how important icons, celebrities, and people of prominence are in influencing the masses to maintain control and manifest their agenda.
The Dawn of Consciousness, Symbolically Depicted in Lion King
The Dawn of Consciousness, Symbolically Depicted in Lion King
Midsommar: Initiation into the Ancient Religion of the Future
Midsommar: Initiation into the Ancient Religion of the Future
Mainstream Media Soft Disclosure of the Deep State: ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ Stanley Kubrick Captured Horrors of Jeffrey Epstein Era – Newsweek
(Justin Deschamps) Ever since Stanley Kubrick’s last film, Eyes Wide Shut, occult researchers claimed it was filled with references to the elite and their disturbing practices and beliefs. These same researchers also claimed that the powers that be intend on revealing themselves to the public, doing so through popular media as is their usual modus operandi. Recently, the Jeffrey Epstein case is revealing the Deep State’s insidious practices many have discussed for years.
Satanic Plaque and Altar Unearthed in The Queen’s Holyrood Park in Scotland
(John Black) In a secluded area of The Queen’s Holyrood Park in Edinburgh, Scotland, archaeologists have unearthed two mysterious objects, including a metal plaque depicting an upside-down pentagram with a horned beast in the center – most likely the demonic entity Baphomet – and an altar with undisclosed “display objects” around the plinth. While news outlets are calling the objects pagan, the symbology appears more associated with satanism and devil worship .
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The One-Eye Sign: Its Origins and Occult Meaning
(Vigilant Citizen) Why are there so many pictures of celebrities hiding one eye? It is definitely not random. In fact, the One-Eye sign has a profound meaning and proves an important fact about the powers that be. This article looks at the origins and the meaning of the unescapable One-Eye sign. Related Sigil Magic: How to […]
What The Game Of Thrones Finale Can Teach Us About Politics Today
(Alexandra Hudson) One cannot write about this show with any insight without also, however inadvertently, giving away some plot twists, which is to say: what you will read contains spoilers. So if you don’t want to know, or didn’t join the 20 million people who watched the final season and still want the element of surprise, you have been warned: stop reading now.
Symbolism: Holy Seal (Prosphora)
(Symbol Dictionary) In the Eastern and Greek Orthodox churches, this emblem, is called the “Holy Seal.” It consists of an equal armed cross and the abbreviation IC XC NIKA, which is Greek for “Jesus Christ is victorious.”
10 Spiritual Symbols Worthy of Knowing
(Awareness Act) When it comes to spirituality, symbolism is everywhere! Symbols are one of the amazing things that can leave a strong psychological impression in our minds just based on appearance alone. Just by studying the intricacy and deeper meaning each one holds and looking at these symbols we feel connected, alive and intrigued. But what do the most popular and prominent symbols mean? Here are 10 of the most popular.
Occult Symbolism Ties to the NZ Shooting: Podesta, Osiris, QAnon
(Justin Deschamps) Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion posted the following symbolic analysis of the NZ shooting, discussing John Podesta’s presence there and occult symbolism from the event.
Predictive Programming, Deep State Mind Control, Hollywood Agendas — Jay Dyer
Predictive Programming, Deep State Mind Control, Hollywood Agendas — Jay Dyer