(Victor Lewis) In this article, we will outline how 5 conglomerates control 90% of the media, how they hide coordination in plain sight, and how the White-Hats use these techniques against them.
Symbolic Pics of the Month 01/21
(Vigilant Citizen) In this edition of SPOTM: Dua Lipa, Playboy Carti, Miley Cyrus, Jojo Siwa, and more proof that the entertainment industry is a toxic wasteland of garbage.
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Occult Symbolism of the Jupiter Saturn Conjunction on December 21st 2020 (Video)
Occult Symbolism of the Jupiter Saturn Conjunction on December 21st 2020 (Video)
The Sacred Geometry of Tarot
(Ethan Indigo Smith) The Tarot Cards are a means to comprehend subtle energy. The Tarot is often used to perform divination, essentially intuitive understanding of specific subtle energies. The Tarot reveals the story of energetic development of an individual and the situational through the understanding of subtle energy via the lessons in the symbolism of the cards. The Tarot reveals the ascension process, again, pertaining to the individual and the situational as well as being used for divination.
We Are Surrounded by Masonic Symbols―How Modern Logos Are Linked To Secret Societies | Ancient Code
(Ancient Code) In the modern world, we are surrounded by countless logos, symbols, and graphs that make up our everyday life.
PEDOGATE 2020 PT.3 – Symbolism & Pizzagate 2.0 (Video)
PEDOGATE 2020 PT.3 – Symbolism & Pizzagate 2.0 (Video)
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Hidden Symbolism of 7 11
(Dennis Fetcho) “7/11”, or more appropriately, “SEVEN” and “ELEVEN”, provides us with multiple means of masking Pi into a 26 digit Letter/Number/Sound philosophical system. This article will shed some light as to the complexity of these operations, their means of execution, and the implications and opportunities for creating myriad “anchors” within the Alphabet.
Back to the Future Decoded (Video)
Back to the Future Decoded (Video)
UPDATED: Why Do Satanists Wear Red Shoes? And Why did Chrissy Teigen Allegedly Tweet About Anthony Weiner in 2011?
(Justin Deschamps) Based on the research I’ve done over the years related to the dark occult and symbols they employ, the following article discussing red shoe symbolism is worthy of consideration. Of course, when it comes to symbols like this, they can suggest a lot but they are not outright proofs of satanic affiliation. In other words, don’t make the radical mistake some people make by assuming anyone you see wearing red shoes is now a card-carrying member of the dark occult.
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The Secret Teachings in the Lord of the Rings | Loralee Scaife and David Whitehead — Part 1 (Video)
The Secret Teachings in the Lord of the Rings | Loralee Scaife and David Whitehead — Part 1 (Video)
“Illuminati” by Lil Pump: Yeah, This Is What the Music Industry Has Sunken To… And The People Are Waking Up
(Vigilant Citizen) In “Illuminati” Lil Pump and Anuel AA brag about cars and girls as they’re being initiated into the Illuminati. We’ll look at the occult and satanic symbolism in this incredibly blatant video.
Symbolic Pics of the Month 05/20 | Vigilant Citizen
(Vigilant Citizen) In this edition of SPOTM: Madonna, Lady Gaga, Billie Eilish, Darren Barnet, and more proof that not even a pandemic can stop the occult elite’s symbolism.
Symbolsim: Christogram (Blessing)
(Symbol Dictionary) This is a gesture known as the Christogram, and is considered the original “sign of the cross.” The fingers are positioned to form the Greek letters ICXC, an abbreviation of the Greek name of Christ: IHCOYCXRICTOC. This gesture is ubiquitous in Renaissance images of Christ and the apostles, as well as in portraits of Saints and clergy.
Symbolic Pics of the Month 03/20
(Vigilant Citizen) In this edition of SPOTM: Tom Hanx (no typo) and his creepy glove, Lady Gaga infecting the world again and Madonna’s symbolic Eurovision performance.
Secrets of The One Dollar Bill and its History
(Anonymous) Great History story as to how it became what we see it as today.