(Richard Abelson) The Russian representative on the UN Security Council Vassily Nebenzia has charged that a “US-implemented program” of biological research in Ukraine may have triggered “uncontrolled dangerous infections in Ukraine”, including rubella, diphtheria, tuberculosis, measles, polio, and swine flu. “By March 2016, a total of 364 people died of swine flu in Ukraine,” Nebenzia claimed.
swine flu
Throwback to the Swine Flu Hoax: SAME Script, SAME Tactics, SAME Players — 10 Years Prior to COVID-19 They Tried the Same But Failed
(Humans Are Free) The Swine Flu scam had many of the same players participating in the fear of a false pandemic 10 years ago, but they failed thanks to scientists such as Wolfgang Wodarg intervening in time.
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CBS: “The Swine Flu Fraud of ’76” Covers U.S. Gov’t Vax Campaign and Lawsuits by Vaccine-Injured Americans
(B.N. Frank) The U.S. government has paid over $4B to people who have become sick or injured by vaccines. That’s why so many Americans want the right to refuse them for themselves and their loved ones. Vaccine proponents are using the pandemic as an excuse to quickly create a vaccine and force citizens worldwide to take it.