(Tim Makay) Cold weather survival offers many challenges compared to other environments, but one of the perks, if you want to call it that, is the abundance of fresh water to be had in the form of snow.
Dog Missing for Months Found Alive in Wilderness, Asleep in Five Feet of Snow: ‘I Screamed’
(Amanda Thomason) A nearly impossible reunion has taken place, thanks to a good Samaritan adventurer and volunteers with a rescue group in Lake Tahoe, California.
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Food Crisis: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving It
(Tim Makay) A confluence of events here at home in the United States, influenced by domestic and global factors, has raised the ever-increasing possibility that we could be heading into a second, major food crisis. It goes without saying that any existential or practical shortage of food will have dire implications for the health and well-being of citizens in this country.
Survival Skillls vs. Subsistence Skills
(Fabian Ommar) It’s always beneficial to define definitions, and even within the world of prepping this needs to be done. What are the differences between survival and subsistence skills? Do the differences even matter? Let’s delve into this, starting with the basics…
Lebanon Plunged Into Darkness, India Faces Rolling Blackouts, NYC Pharmacy Shelves BARE as Global Collapse Accelerates, Leading to Rolling Blackouts Across the USA
(Mike Adams)Retail shelves at CVS, Walgreens and Duane Reade stores are now “virtually bare” in NYC, warns the UK Daily Mail in a Sunday news story. “Shelves in pharmacies across New York City have been left nearly barren because supplies are not getting through amid an ongoing global squeeze,” the paper reports, citing collapse of the global supply chain.
Massive Power Outages Rock Louisiana, Will Take 30 Days to Restore… Are You Prepared for a Grid down Scenario?
(Ethan Huff) As of this writing, nearly one million energy customers in Louisiana are still without power due to Hurricane Ida, and officials are warning that it could take up to a month to get things fully restored.
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7 Trees Every Prepper Should Know and Why
(Divina Ramirez) Trees are a prepper’s best friend in a survival situation. If you find yourself with very limited resources, you can make the most of trees by using their bark for food or tinder, their branches for fire and their sap for wound dressings.
5 Common Edible Plants for Urban Foraging (Plus Foraging Tips)
(Divina Ramirez) You don’t have to leave the city to forage for edible plants. Suburban and even urban areas can have a variety of edible plants you can turn to in times of need because of green spaces like yards and parks.
Survival Foraging: 5 Edible Weeds to Harvest When SHTF
(Zoey Sky) Preppers know that seemingly bothersome weeds are just as useful as other crops in their home gardens.
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You Probably Won’t Handle This Crisis “Perfectly.” That’s Okay
(Daisy Luther) Right now, every prepper I know is busily trying to tie up any loose ends before the pandemic outbreak racing across the country becomes even worse. They’re buying last-minute supplies, securing their homes, and organizing their plans. They are managing their families, many of whom aren’t taking the situation seriously.
The Absence of Problems Doesn’t Guarantee Happiness
(Exploring Your Mind) Being happy doesn’t depend on having a problem-free life. However, it does depend on how you choose to think about what happens to you. Do you see threats or challenges? Mistakes or learning opportunities?
Secrets of a Counterintelligence Agent: How to Increase Your Situational Awareness
(Graywolf) One of the things we constantly got in trouble for in the Army was lack of attention to detail. Missing a spot on your inspection boots (back when we used to have to shine our boots), an incorrect alignment of ribbons on your uniform, or forgetting a detail in the instructions you were given for the day could get you extra physical exercise or duty – or sometimes worse.
20 Hurricane Survival Tips From Real-Life Scenarios
(Tess Pennington) Imagine this scenario: It’s the year 2005 and you are living in the heart of New Orleans. A hurricane is threatening to hit and even though the city sits 8 feet below sea level, you choose not to evacuate or even prepare because you’ve seen many hurricanes threaten to hit the city and it never makes landfall, so why prepare for this one? Days later, your great city is almost completely flooded from Hurricane Katrina and over 1,800 lives were claimed including some of your neighbors because, like you, they decided not to leave the city. Now you are left without electricity, water, and dwindling supplies. To make matters worse, supply trucks are cut off, the police and emergency services can’t meet the needs of the people and there are looters breaking into homes for supplies.
11 Military Hacks That’ll Make Your Life Easier
11 Military Hacks That’ll Make Your Life Easier
Critical Survival Skill: Teach Yourself and Your Kids Situational Awareness
(Frances Bloomfield) The best way to get out of any bad situation is to avoid it in the first place. This is what makes situational awareness so essential a survival skill. In a nutshell, situational awareness is paying attention to your surroundings, processing what you’ve perceived, and basing your actions on your observations. Possessing a high degree of situational awareness is something you and your family should all strive for. Fortunately, you can develop it with a lot of practice, a fair bit of time, and the OODA Loop.