(Strange Sounds) What’s going on now in space?
strange sounds
Wait What? They Don’t Shower Anymore To Save Their Skin Microbiome and Surprisingly Say They Don’t Smell
(Justin Deschamps) The notion that you can stop bathing regularly evinces disgust and revulsion responses in most people. This is partially due to the fact revulsions are culturally acquired, that is, you can learn to find some things disgusting simply because you’re surrounded by those who think so too. But what the herd does isn’t always what’s best for the individual. As a matter of fact, in most cases, the best thing to do is often to go against the norm.
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Long-Lost Underwater Temple Reemerges During Thailand’s Extreme Drought
(Strange Sounds) A long-lost underwater buddhist temple, called Wat Nong Bua Yai, has reemerged in central Thailand, following an extreme drought that is slowly drying up all the region’s reservoirs.
What’s Going On? More than 55 Birds Fall from the Skies with Bleeding Eyes and Beaks in Adelaide, Australia
(Strange Sounds) Dozens of native corella birds fell from the sky in an Adelaide outer suburb bleeding from their eyes and beaks.
The Year’s Brightest Comet Will Come Within 7 Million Miles of Earth – a Proximity That Won’t Happen Again for 20 Years – and Will Be Visible to the Naked Eye This Weekend
(Strange Sounds) The night sky will come alive this weekend when a green comet streaks by Earth on the heels of the Geminid meteor shower’s display of green fireballs.
Sky Turns Purple over Florida and Ohio During Hurricane Michael
(Strange Sounds) Why did Hurricane Michael leave cities with an electric purple sky as it engulfed Florida?
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Hundreds of Galah Birds Mysteriously Fall from the Sky in Burra, Australia
(Strange Sounds) About 200 galahs have been found dead in the South Australian town of Burra, prompting investigations by the state’s Department for Environment and Water and the local council. Dead birds started turning up in the historic Mid North town last Wednesday, with numbers increasing to about 200 by Monday, according to Animal Rescue and Care co-ordinator Ruth Norris. The birds otherwise looked healthy and weren’t “grain gorging”.
Possible Spy Mystery Deepens as Sonic Attack Symptoms Appear in China
(Brett Tingley) Just as diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba began to thaw, a series of mysterious incidents befell the U.S. embassy in Havana. Several diplomats and embassy employees reported unexplained symptoms including hearing loss, dizziness, headaches, nausea, and vertigo. As these employees were examined, all of them reported hearing strange electronic sounds while […]
More Mystery Booms Rock the U.S. – Now with Unexplained Fires
(Brett Tingley) Seriously: what’s going on with all of the unexplained explosions and booms being heard throughout the United States? Over the last year, loud mystery booms have been consistently rattling homes and people from coast to coast with little explanation. All sorts of possible causes have been thrown out – underground frostquakes, natural gas emissions, atmospheric disturbances – but so far no single, official explanation has been offered.
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Is the Mysterious Hum Real? | Space News
Is the Mysterious Hum Real? | Space News
What Is Causing These Mysterious Loud ‘BOOMS’ Heard Around The World?
(Shivali) Residents in Alabama were left baffled last week when a loud boom resounded across much of the state. Related Why Sound Heals | Cymatics, Entrainment, Mandalas, Frequencies and DNA Source – Collective Evolution by Shivali, November 21st, 2017 The boom, nicknamed ‘Bama Boom’, has left experts stumped, with suggested causes ranging from supersonic aircrafts to meteors […]
BREAKING: Another Portal/Stargate in the Sky? Glowing Spiral Appears in the Sky Over Russia — Looks Just like the Norway Spiral
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Spiral appeared in the sky over Russia yesterday, according to the site VK, a Russian social medial service. The spiral was captured in dozens of photographs, and strongly resembles the spiral that appeared in Norway in 2009. Ufologist have suggested that the spiral is a portal or gateway, while Newsweek […]