(Strange Sounds) Yes! It seems that ‘The Birds’ by Alfred Hitchcock is inspired by a very real weird phenomenon that occurred in Santa Cruz, California in 1961.
strange sounds
The Human Brain Looks Suspiciously Like the Universe — As Above so Below
(Strange Sounds) When you compare the neurons in the human brain to the cosmic web of galaxies, they look suspiciously the same…
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First 6g Satellite Launched in Space – the next Wireless Technology Seems Even More Dangerous than 5g
(Strange Sounds) After 5G comes 6G – the sixth generation of mobile Internet technology. But, right now, it’s still unclear what 6G will be, as the telecom industry hasn’t yet decided on the specifications for the network.
New England Hit by Strongest Earthquake in Decades – Rumblings Felt Across Connecticut, Rhode Island and as Far Away as Long Island, New York
(Strange Sounds) The strongest earthquake in decades hit southern New England at 9am on Sunday.
Mysterious Sounds and Vibrations Rattle Villagers and Cracks Homes in India
(Strange Sounds) Strange loud sounds accompanied by rumblings and vibrations emerging from the ground are rattling residents of India since the beginning of last month.
Earth Keeps Pulsating Every 26 Seconds and No One Knows Why
(Strange Sounds) Why is Earth pulsating every 26 seconds, and why can’t scientists explain it after 60 years? This is an enigma wrapped in a periodically predictable mystery motion.
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New Fast Radio Bursts from Inside the Milky Way May Solve More than One Major Cosmic Mystery
(Strange Sounds) Magnetar SGR 1935+2154, which in April emitted the first known fast radio burst from inside the Milky Way, has flared up once more, giving astronomers yet another chance to solve more than one major cosmic mystery.
Here’s the 2020 Us Election Result If Polls Are as Wrong as They Were in 2016
(Strange Sounds) While very fluid, we can track the latest results of the electronic prediction markets and polling data.
Scientists Discover a New Organ in the Throat While Testing Prostate Cancer
(Strange Sounds) The new set of salivary glands lubricate the upper throat behind the nose and mouth.
Gigantic Hailstones Measuring More than 8 Inches Hammer Tripoli, Libya During Apocalyptic Storm (Videos and Pictures)
(Strange Sounds) On October 27, 2020, Tripoli, the capital city of Libya was hammered by an apocalyptic hailstorm.
The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado: One of the Most Creepiest and Haunted Places in the Us, Just for Halloween
(Strange Sounds) The Rocky Mountains are home to a hotel that’s widely considered one of the most haunted places in America and it has ties to a renowned horror film.
Safe? 9 Dead after Flu Shots in South Korea Spark Vaccine Fears
(Strange Sounds) Nine people have died after getting flu shots in South Korea in the past week, raising concerns over the vaccine’s safety just as the seasonal inoculation programme is expanded to head off potential COVID-19 complications.
Strange spiral appears off Black Sea coast
(Strange Sounds) A rare phenomenon formed in Abkhazia, on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, on September 23, 2020.
How To Increase Your Concentration Time
(Strange Sounds) Smart work or focus is the name of the day in this age of diversions. It is either an easy excuse to make for poor performance or is one of the most serious mental health issues known to date, lack of concentration.
There Were so Many Birds Falling out of the Sky That We Didn’t Know What Was Going on in Philadelphia
(Strange Sounds) Stephen Maciejewski dropped to a knee on a Center City sidewalk Wednesday morning and gently scooped up a yellow-billed cuckoo that had smashed into a skyscraper and died on its way to Central America or the West Indies.