(Jordan Schachtel) Digitized segregation has arrived.
State and Local
Covid Cases, like Political Careers, Are Dropping like Rocks
(Staff Writer) New York governor Andrew Cuomo, who bears so much responsibility for the mess in his windswept state, last year wrote a book celebrating his role in managing the Covid crises. Now he is facing several investigations and unrelenting media criticism for his management of nursing homes. Not only did he force infected patients back into homes, resulting in many thousands of deaths; he is alleged to have worked to cover up his role and doctor the numbers to make the grim toll look less bad.
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Huge: Rising Federalism: States Move to Take Back Their Rights Against the Biden Regime
(JD Rucker) As Joe Biden makes massive moves in every progressive direction possible with overreaching executive orders, several states are setting the stage to stop Democrat-led Washington DC from going beyond their enumerated powers. Federalism is back, baby!
Trump Supporters Are the Real Target of This Sham Impeachment
(JD Rucker) The claim that Democrats and some Republicans are trying to convict private citizen Donald Trump to prevent him from running again is a lie. They’re wanting to teach his supporters a lesson. We discuss this, federalism, and the proposed minimum wage tax hike on this episode.