(Mike) There were a total of 12 individuals who saw Anthony Weiner’s Laptop computer, 9 of those 12 people are dead now.
Arson Fire at Comet Ping Pong, Suspect at Large, Maybe It Was the Owner?
(Jessica Schladebeck) Comet Ping Pong, the D.C. restaurant at the center of the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, was intentionally set ablaze this week and authorities are still searching for a suspect.
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ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS: Study Links Early Puberty in Girls to Chemicals in Shampoo, Toothpaste and Soap – Even If Only Used by Mother in Pregnancy
(SCMP) Girls exposed to chemicals commonly found in shampoo, toothpaste and soap may hit puberty earlier, even if their only exposure is through the products their mothers used while they were pregnant, according to a new longitudinal study led by researchers at UC Berkeley.
TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE: An Ongoing Social Engineering Project to Mind Control Humanity
(Gang Stalking Surfers) “In 1941 a group of psychiatrists at the Tavistock Clinic saw that the right questions were asked in Parliament in order to secure the means to try new measures. As a result they were asked to join the Directorate of Army Psychiatry, and did so as a group.” –Tavistock Institute
SOCIAL MEDIA: A Long and Strong Arm of Deep State
(José Niño) Say the wrong things and you might get kicked off of your favorite social media platform.
OPERATION CROSSFIRE HURRICANE: British Infiltration of Trump Campaign Exposed, The UK – not Russia – Interfered in 2016 Election
(Zero Hedge) FBI Spy-Op Exposed, Trump Campaign Infiltrated By Longtime CIA And MI6 Asset
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The New Atlantis: Master Plan of The Ages — Occult History of the Past 500 Years: Magic, Ancient Weather Manipulation, NWO, Jesuits, and more
Illuminism, Freemasonry and the Great White Brotherhood The New Atlantis rises … and then falls, after being halted by the epochal wars of the Kali Yuga and Iron Age conflicts. Related The New Atlantis | Secret Mysteries of Americas Beginnings & Connections to Atlantis Source – State of the Nation TMR Editor’s Note: Edgar Cayce was […]
$14.3 Quadrillion Lien Taken Against All U.S. Land, Real Estate and People
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The information below is accurate, for the most part. Be sure to fact-check any items personally, so as to develop intrinsic understanding of the legal history involved. – Justin Related Free Money? Utilizing YOUR Treasury Direct Accounts (Birth Certificate/Strawman Trust/Bond) — Understanding the Law, Risks, and Potential Consequences Source – […]
Theory: Everything Points to Congressman Steve Scalise Being “Seth Riched” (Shot and then Could be Murdered in the Hospital)
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The Virginia shooting that took place earlier this week, in which Congressman Steve Scalise was injured, is quite peculiar. The following article presents some facts that raise many questions, which the author contends is proof that the Deep State is attempting to make an example out of Scalise. Of course, […]