(L.K. Samuels) Charges of fascism are often flung around like paper confetti, sometimes to cover for actual fascism. Almost every political faction has been subjected to such claims, especially ones that are polar opposites of historical Italian fascism and German National Socialism. Even Canadian truckers seeking an end to COVID-19 lockdowns have been savagely attacked as Nazis, along with freedom-based organizations that supplied the intellectual ammunition to oppose Hitler’s and Mussolini’s ideologues.
Conscious Visual Perception Occurs Outside the Visual System
(Science Daily) A Dartmouth study finds that the conscious perception of visual location occurs in the frontal lobes of the brain, rather than in the visual system in the back of the brain. The findings are published in Current Biology.
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UFO Sightings and the Illuminati? Study Finds Conspiracy Theorists Surprisingly Ordinary
(Sebastian Kettley) UFO sightings, alien encounters and claims of the Illuminati may seem bizarre and outlandish on the internet but the people behind the popular conspiracies are far from “crackpots wearing tinfoil hats”, a researcher has claimed.
The Secret to the Deep State’s False Flag and Mass Social Engineering Agenda — The Season of Sacrifice Begins on March 19th
(Justin Deschamps) The Deep State is not just a bunch of criminals that took over the government a few decades ago. The groups that make up this seedy organization have been around for thousands of years, practicing what we refer to today as dark occultism. They plan their agenda around astrology alignments, placing great emphasis on the positions of the stars. While you might not believe in these things, the powers that be most definitely do, with deadly and destructive effect. In 2019, there appear to be big moves ahead for the Deep State’s social engineering agenda, of which, false flags are one of their weapon of choice.
Social Science: Researchers Determine We Make Friends Based on Individual Qualities Rather than Group Qualities
(Tracey Watson) Do you long to make more friends? As social creatures, most humans want to be accepted and have a close-knit group of friends with whom they can spend time and who they know they can always rely on in times of trouble. In fact, a lack of good friends can increase your risk of premature death from any cause by an astounding 50 percent, according to a study by researchers from Harvard University.
Cargo Cults, Extraterrestrials, and Humanity — Reconsidering ET Disclosure, Religions, Ancient Aliens and Human Civilization
(Joseph M. Irwin) Have you ever heard of cargo cults? It’s one of the most fascinating subjects in recent history, and the implications are massive, especially as we go forward into the future and out into the Universe. In this article, and companion video, I’m going to give you some super unique and valuable perspectives. I’m going to tell you what you need to know about cargo cults and how they’re completely connected to the entire Human Experience, and perhaps beyond.
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Digital Self: A Third Type of Self-Representation
(Richard Kensinger) The sense of mind and self is created by multiple social interactions with many others; particularly from those in our early psychosocial environment. These intimate interactions result in the construction of our personality. Personality becomes, in time, the consistent features of who we are in regards to our thoughts, feelings, and actions (which I refer to as mind, mood, and motor). Around age 3, personality emerges. It is dynamically formed by multiple inputs from others, becomes consolidated in our late teens and early 20’s, and