(Julian Rose) Unless one can grasp the nature and motivation of those who attack one, one cannot come up with a strategy to overcome them. And right now we have a vital need to come up with such a strategy in order to throw a spanner in the works of a political system that has ‘psychopath’ written all over it.
Reports: U.S. Society Grows More Divided amid Diversity
(Neil Munro) Voters for the two parties are becoming more divided on whether to trust or distrust the science establishment, according to a new survey by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
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Are You Tired Of Being Angry At The State Of The World?
(Joe Martino) There’s no secret: truths about corruption involving government officials, politicians, high profile people, and agencies is coming to the surface like crazy right now. It’s in humanity’s awareness more so than ever before. This piece is not so much about exploring the validity of everything coming to the surface, but how it often makes people react and feel, and what we can do to process the collective shadows emerging right now.
Identity Politics and Systemic Racism Theory as the New Marxo-Nazism
(Richard M. Ebeling) It is very easy to say that we have been and are living in unprecedented times in 2020 and 2021. We have experienced a global pandemic, with government-imposed and mandated lockdowns and shutdowns of much of America’s and the world’s economic activities and social interactions, as well as with governmental debts that cumulatively are almost equal to the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Could Humor Be the Key to a Healthier Society?
(Neuroscience News) Laughter may very well be the best medicine for a healthy life, according to research released today.
“Let Them Die”: Fairfax PTA and NAACP Officer Under Fire for Attack on Parents who Oppose CRT
(News Editors) As many on this blog are aware, I have long been an advocate of public education and we feel deeply fortunate to have sent all four of our kids to public schools in Alexandria and McLean in Fairfax County. I still have one child in the Fairfax system. I was therefore shocked like many Fairfax parents to see the videotape of Michelle Leete, Vice President of Training at the Virginia PTA, Vice President of Communications for the Fairfax County PTA and First Vice President of the Fairfax County NAACP as she lashed out against those who oppose critical race theory and identity divisional lessons in school. What was even more unnerving is the applause from other parents to her “let them die” declaration.
60 Years Ago Carl Jung Warned Us About the Immature Man-Child Who is Ruining Society Today
(Dylan Charles) This is a theme that keeps popping up for me in conversation with friends and clients. The psychological immaturity of the modern man and his abject failure to develop mentally and mature emotionally.
Socialism Persists, But It Ain’t What It Used To Be
(A. Welderson) I used to say, to anyone foolish enough to listen to my rants, that socialism was and is a product which was rushed to market without adequate field testing.
How Wokery Dominates Society
(Michael Curtis) We live in a continually changing world, with new concepts and ways of developing practical arguments and evaluating moral truths on race, sex, and sexual issues. Today, those ways are seen through the prism of racial justice, emphasized in colonial and post-colonial studies, Critical Race Theory, intersectionality, queer studies, gender studies. These are part of the present obsession with race and sex. At the heart is the pessimistic, postmodernist contention critical of the possibility of objectivity, questioning whether there can be reliable knowledge about a reality that exists independently of human perception.
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8 Ways to Practice Advanced Situational Awareness
(Fabian Ommar) In one of my recently published articles, I defined situational awareness. I also presented a list of risks and threats commonly found in the urban environment and those posed by large and smaller groups of people and individuals. Selco, who survived in an urban setting, offers excellent examples of the differences between Urban Survival and Rural Survival as well as guidance for survival planning.
A Nation Decieved: Council on Foreign Relations Sponsorship of Covert Activities at Home and Abroad
(Biblioteca Pleyades) Related Men Behind the Throne: The Unsettling History of Clandestine Organizations in America Source – Biblioteca Pleyades by Staff Writer, The CFR and the Church Committee Investigation A recent e-mail contained a news release about Steven Emerson. It said, ” Mr. Emerson is an investigative journalist and noted authority on radical Islamic extremist groups […]
Why Do People Who Love Each Other Split Up?
(Exploring Your Mind) You need more than love to make a relationship work. Loving someone else doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be happier and better at solving day-to-day problems. So much so, that many people break up in spite the fact that they love each other.
The Importance of Rules (Law)
(John Leonard) Last weekend a most extraordinary thing happened — #1 seed Novak Djokovic was unceremoniously thrown out of the U.S. Open tennis tournament after hitting a ball in anger that accidentally struck a line judge in the throat. She wasn’t seriously hurt, and Djokovic had smacked the ball behind him without looking so the incident was clearly accidental, but rules are rules for a reason. A tennis ball smashed at top speed can cause fairly serious injury, depending on where it hits you. If an unseeded player who earned a wildcard entry would have been defaulted in the same circumstances without question, how would it be fair if the rule was not applied equally to Djokovic, just because he was “supposed” to win the match?
Ascent of the Yard Sign Prophets
(Christopher Skeet) Shortly after Trump was elected president, “HATE HAS NO HOME HERE” (HHNHH) yard signs began adorning the minority-manicured lawns of white-collar, white-skinned liberals. You’ve seen the sign. Its message is translated into multiple languages, which is meant to broadcast a globalist diversity of sorts by those who speak not only just English, but that sniffy dialect molded within the narrow confines of a university pedigree loftier than junior college but conspicuously short of Ivy League. You can all but hear them finish their Starbucks order with that irritating raised inflection on the last syllable.
Over Half Of All Young Adults Are Living With Their Parents – Highest Level In Modern American History
(Michael Snyder) As the chaotic events of 2020 have unfolded, large numbers of young people have moved back in with their parents, and this has pushed the percentage of Americans in the 18 to 29-year-old age bracket that live with their parents to the highest level ever recorded.