(Stillness in the Storm Editor) According to Luke Rudkowski, Youtube has decided to censor any content it deems controversial, which those who’ve long been in the truth movement will know, translates to anything that doesn’t conform to the Deep State’s agenda. This is likely because alternative media producers have completely dominated of late, insofar as […]
COBRA | Return to Light: Primary Implants, Dissociating from Programs, Methods to Decrease Suffering, Infighting with Lightworkers
(COBRA) There is significant progress and if all goes according to the plan, I will be able to release new update about the status of Yaldabaoth entity / Black Stone situation in about a week. Source – COBRA The Portal by Cobra, July 21st, 2017 An important communication channel between the Resistance and the surface […]
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The Major Events in the Galaxy Which Have Shaped Mankind’s History — What’s the Moral to this Story?
(Justin Deschamps) The following historical overview has a lot of very interesting points to consider. As with many narratives of this type, I cannot confirm if it is authentic. However, there is much that can be gleaned about the nature of the cosmos, the evolutionary plans of creation, and how our “older brothers and sisters” in the universe can get off track when they fail to recognize and honor the laws of creation.
UFO Religions — Dead Belief vs Living Faith: Is Religion From Outer Space?
Image Credit: Jim Nichols (Stillness in the Storm Editor) The term and concept of religion is a well-known feature of human life, but as with many things, there is much to explore with this topic. Generally speaking, religion is that thing individuals employ to make contact with God, the divine, or some other facet of […]
Lance White Interviews Justin Deschamps, 7pm PST (10pm EST), June 17th 2017
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I will be appearing on a radio show this evening, at 7pm PST (10am EST). Links to listen are below. – Justin Source – BBS Radio [Check the live listen player here (station #1 or #2) when the show beings to listen live.] Guest Biography: Justin Deschamps was born in […]
Mysterious ‘Stone Circle’ on Mars Sparks Wild Claims That Alien Ruins Are Hidden Under the Martian Surface
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following video and article discuss a stone ring found by a Mars object hunter pouring through NASA’s rover photographs. It is implied by the presenter that the ring is artificial in nature. I am not a geologist, but I have long had an interest in the subject. What I […]
Soft Disclosure: Our Sun Might Have Been Born With an Evil Twin Called “Nemesis”
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In the past, so called fringe researchers have suggested that star formation in the universe predominantly results in the formation of binary star systems. For instance the “Dark Star” theory often associated with Zecharia Sitchin’s interpretations of the Sumerian tablets. But other fields of study, like Larsonian physics, also suggests […]
Alex Jones & Megyn Kelly Spark Outrage in Mainstream Media Over Sandy Hook False Flag Story
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Sandy Hook might be the best example of a hoaxed false flag attack, one where no one actually died. Of course, such a claim is incredibly controversial, but there is a substantial amount of evidence to suggest this. As an outsider, I can’t offer any direct proof that Sandy Hook […]
The Difference Between an Empath, a Sympath and One Who Practices Compassion
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I’ve had the capacity to empathize with others for most of my life. So much so, that I’ve used to be an emotional mess. As I began to do my personal work, I noticed that the more I develop my inner temple of self-mastery (know thyself), the more clearly I […]
U.S. Scientists Have Developed a “Memory Wipe” Enzyme That Can Erase Memories
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Within various fringe fields of research, the idea that the government has the ability to wipe a person’s memory is well established. For years, anyone who suggested this was labeled a conspiracy theorist. But according to a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, it […]
Facebook Exodus? Minds.com: Encrypted, Community-Owned Social Network Emerges to Challenge FB
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The ability to share and distribute information is an essential part of the consciousness evolution taking place at this time. The powers that should not be know that information control is everything, for the data we absorb directly affects our state of being and behavior. Furthermore, the content we produce […]
UPDATED Commentary From Some who Went to Contact in the Desert (Videos) — What did you Experience?
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I had the pleasure of meeting many wonderful people while at the Contact in the Desert 2017 event. What follows are some videos about some of the experiences attendees had this year. I think the focus of these events should also include those who came, who they are, what they […]
Coincidence? These Terrorist Attacks Occurred on the 22nd — Genesis Chapter 22, the Sacrifice of Isaac
(Jessica McBride) Coincidence? Or not? You might be surprised how many major terrorist attacks have occurred on the 22nd day of the month. At least seven, in recent years. Related 42 Government ADMITTED False Flag Attacks Source – Heavy by Jessica McBride, May 24th, 2017 There’s an eighth if you go back to 1970. There’s […]
It’s Official: State Deals Massive Blow to Fed: Gold & Silver Now Treated as Money in AZ
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Recently, an important event took place regarding the freedom of trade and commerce within the U.S.; the Arizona House passed a bill into law that alters the way precious metals are exchanged for Federal Reserve Notes. Previously, an investor would have to pay income tax when selling assets at a […]
Signs of Change? 2017: Catholics and Protestants to Commemorate Reformation Anniversary — Reconciliation of a Divided Church, What It Could Mean
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I have been working with a colleague in my study of the secret histories and legal mechanisms of this world. According to his sources, which appears to be confirmed to some degree, there is an internal war happening within the “matrix of control,” the Vatican. Apparently, some of the Jesuits […]