(Ryan DeLarme) This last weekend, former lawyer and television personality Judge Joe Brown joined former NBA player Kwame Brown on a YouTube live stream, where he was able to express how he really feels about the current administration.
Politicizing Pharma: Fauci’s Correlations Between HIV and COVID
(Amber Wheeler-Dwight) Nobel Prize winner and inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kary Mullis, has put Fauci and the CDC on blast, denouncing them as frauds. He spent his final days asking tough questions nobody would answer, explaining the function of the PCR test, (very familiar) ways in which it could be abused, and asserted the AIDS/HIV connection is completely fabricated to make Big Pharma money.
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Judge Joe Brown Weighs in on the Hypocrisy of the Biden/Harris Administration
(Ryan DeLarme) This last weekend, former lawyer and television personality Judge Joe Brown joined former NBA player Kwame Brown on a YouTube live stream, where he was able to express how he really feels about the current administration.
Are All Audits Created Equal? Risk-limiting Audits Vs. Full Forensic Audits
(Ryan DeLarme) The long-awaited audit has finally begun in Maricopa despite heavy pushback. We’ve reported on Sidney Powell’s briefing via Defending the Republic this last week where she discussed her struggle against Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers and an incident involving 3 million Zuckerbucks going missing in Maricopa county while tensions are high.
How You Can Push Back on Mandatory Covid-CCP Vaccines
(Ryan DeLarme) Are you being bullied, harassed, or mandated by an employer or a university to get a vaccine for Covid-CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus? Here are some tips on how to deal with that situation.
The “Racist Founding Fathers” Fallacy
(Ryan DeLarme) A now-deleted op-ed from a southern Florida Newspaper1 suggested that racism in America was inherited by present-day citizens from our Founding Fathers. “My fellow Americans, we have got to deal with the fact that we have not dealt with our problem left to us by our founding fathers: racism in American.” Unfortunately, the fellow did not elaborate on what exactly incited this charge, but this is a very common misconception.
Psychological Manipulation in the 21st Century | Virtual vs Objective Reality
(Ryan DeLarme) Dishonesty, intimidation, and manipulation have been part of the human condition since we first discovered their selfish efficiency, yet somehow in a world filled with corporate greed and embellished history, we seem to be unable to conceive that it happens on a scale large enough to affect entire populations.
“How to End Partisanship” A Letter from General Michael Flynn
(Ryan DeLarme) Michael Flynn, who we often refer to as “the Peoples General”, released a statement today via America’s Future Inc, a fifty-year-old nonprofit, tax-exempt educational organization, urging the American people to look beyond the confines of their respective parties.
13 Signs That Things Aren’t Going as Planned for the Deep-State Establishment
(Ryan DeLarme) In recent days and weeks, there have been multiple surprising instances, cancellations, and reversal of policies that might insinuate the Establishment is losing its grip, despite having their puppet in the oval office.
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Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF) Call out Stacy Abrams, Woke Corporations for Pushing “Black Helplessness”
(Ryan DeLarme) On Tuesday, May 12, an important event happened that was not covered by the Legacy Media.
General Michael Flynn Finally Confirms His Real Telegram Channel, and Shares His Latest Update
(Will Justice) There are a lot of fake accounts on Telegram. General Flynn recently created a new channel and confirmed as a direct voice message that it was him. And he something else to say you’re going to want to hear.
The Best Conservative and Patriot Channels and Groups on Telegram — Pro Free Speech
(Will Justice) The best place for free speech is not on Twitter or Facebook. Telegram is one of several good options. Here’s a list of the best groups and channels to join.
COVID Vaccine Magnet Challenge, Real or Fake? The Truth Might Shock You
(Will Justice) Is it true that some people, who’ve gotten the COVID shot, can stick magnets on their arms? Is it true that outlets like Newsweek have debunked the videos? Don’t jump to any conclusions just yet.
Rebirthing Spirit in the World – New Moon in Taurus 2021
(Adam Sanchez) What is our current connection between the material and spiritual realms? How can integrating these experiences support the evolution of our world and our own souls?
Trump’s Epic New Website Goes Live (www.DonaldJTrump.com/desk) Find All the Latest Trump Statements and More
(Will Justice) President Donald Trump was censored and shut down across the internet world months ago. But he didn’t stop. Now you can find all his statements and more.