(Mac Slavo) As politicians in the United States do their best to remove Americans’ freedom of choice when it comes to vaccines, Japan has medical freedom. There are no vaccine mandates in Japan and their children are growing up healthier than ours.
shtf plan
Solar Storm Alert: Earth To Be Bombarded By Solar Particles In A Few Days
(Mac Slavo) There is an upcoming solar storm expected this weekend. Researchers have noticed a sunspot that will bombard the Earth with solar particles on Monday.
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DOJ STUDY: Gun Control Laws Won’t Work Because Criminals Get Their Guns Illegally
(Mac Slavo) It took the United States government’s Department of Justice an entire study dedicated to gun use and criminals to figure out what logical human beings have already understood for decades. The result of their own study found that gun control laws will never work because criminals will never use legal channels to obtain guns.
CBD Oil Is More Than Just A Fad: Holistic Vets Effectively Use It On Dogs
(Sara Tipton) CBD oil (cannabidiol oil) is proving itself as more than just a fad. It seems like everyone, from athletes to everyday busy moms, and even veterinarians are using it as a natural and safe holistic treatment for a variety of ailments.
Science FACT: Mind-Reading Technology Is Now Reality
(Dagny Taggart) It sounds like something out of a Philip K. Dick science fiction novel: a system that uses artificial intelligence to translate people’s thoughts into intelligible, recognizable speech.
Google Manipulated YouTube Search Results To Program Users’ Behavior
(Mark Salvo) In a new leak that can be accurately labeled “the smoking gun,” Google has been busted manipulating search results on YouTube in order to manipulate social behaviors and control minds. An internal discussion thread leaked to Breitbart News reveals that Google regularly intervenes in search results on its YouTube video platform.
Shock Report: Chairman Of Harvard Astronomy Says “Oumuamua” Object Is “Reconnaissance Spaceship… Deliberately Sent To The Inner Solar System”
(Mark Salvo) For thousands of years human civilization has documented objects in the sky. With the advent of instant video sharing, we’ve seen hundreds, perhaps thousands of cases of unidentified flying objects. Scientists and governments have discounted the vast majority of these instances as meteors, asteroids, man-made rocket tests or weather balloons.
Your Biometrics: Silent Witnesses Against You and Tools to Track You
(Jeremiah Johnson) Another week has gone by where we have seen a tremendous amount of activity around the world: the French, Belgians, and Dutch are engaged in protests labeled “yellow vest” protests.
Prepare Now: A Housing Market Recession Is Coming
(Mac Slavo) It may be time to start preparing for the upcoming housing market recession. All the signs that the housing market will continue to tank are rearing their ugly heads. It’s only a matter of time now.
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Bill & Hillary Clinton Could Go Away For GOOD Very Soon!
(Mark Salvo) Could Bill and Hillary Clinton be going away for good? That may be the speculation after prices to hear them speak publicly drop substantially as no one wants to go to their events.
Global Climate Scandal: The CA Fires Are Caused By “Illegal And Ongoing Geoengineering”
(Mac Slavo) Newly elected California governor Gavin Newsom has had to declare a state of emergency due to the latest unprecedented wildfires ripping through the state. But are they so “unprecedented?” Or could these fires be the result of decades of illegal and ongoing climate engineering that Newsome is intentionally ignoring?
Dollar In Crisis Mode: China Just Dumped A LOAD Of US Treasuries AGAIN
(Mac Slavo) China has just dumped its biggest load of United States treasuries in 8 months. China’s share of US Treasuries holdings had the highest decline since January back in September, as the ongoing and ever-increasing trade tensions with Washington forced the world’s biggest economy to take measures to stabilize its national currency.
Harvard Scientists Claim ‘Oumuamua’ Could Be An Alien Probe
(Mac Slavo) Harvard scientists are now saying that the mysterious cigar-shaped object known as Oumuamua could have been an alien probe sent intentionally to Earth’s vicinity. They say the odd asteroid may actually have been sent by an “alien civilization.”
False Flag? Another ‘Suspicious Package’ – This One Was Sent To Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
(Mac Slavo) Update #1:
An observant Twitter user pointed out something interesting…
Dollar Crash Imminent: China And Japan Dump U.S. Treasuries
(Mac Slavo) The two main holders of United States Treasuries, the countries of China and Japan, have dumped the dollar. Both nations have dramatically cut their ownership of notes and bonds in August, according to the latest figures from the US Treasury Department, released on Tuesday.