(Mac Slavo) The supply chain is irrevocably destroyed and there is no intention for it to be repaired. Considering this is by design, and it could be seen coming a mile away, those who planned it will not be fixing it. So we need to be aware of it.
shtf plan
The Ruling Class Has No Intention To Cease Terrorizing The Populace
(SHTF Plan) It is time to stop mincing words. It ends when we say it does, and we have said that from the very beginning. The United States government is a terrorist organization and they have no intention of stopping the complete and total enslavement of humanity.
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We Just Got Even More Proof Inflation is On the Rise
(Brad Polumbo) The most widely-used metric for price inflation hit a 12-year high in mid-May, showing that prices had risen 4.2 percent over a year. But some argued this was just a one-off outlier, not indicative of a broader trend or serious problem stemming from runaway government spending and money-printing.
Professor Suggests Adding “Psychoactive” Drugs To Water To Keep People Docile
(Mac Slavo) One professor has suggested that the water supply be laced with psilocybin to make sure people are drugged into compliance with the lockdowns measures. Because Americans aren’t being good little sheep and complying with the New World Order’s insistence of enslavement, Parker Crutchfield thinks we should all be drugged.
BEFORE COVID-19 Panic: Bill Gates & Congressman Negotiated “Tracing Deal”
(Mac Slavo) Six months before the mainstream media started to tell the public to panic and live in a fear-based stupor over the coronavirus, Bill Gates worked with a congressman in the United States government to get a “tracing deal” done according to investigative journalists. Gates and U.S. Congressman Bobby L. Rush sat down in Rwanda, East Africa in mid-August of 2019 to hash out who would score the windfall from a government contact tracing program
Planned “Second Wave” is Coming: The Terrorism Committed By Government Isn’t Over Yet
(Mac Slavo) We should all be preparing now for the planned “second wave” of COVID-19. The mainstream media is already doing its due diligence by panicking the general public. Because the riots and looting took too much attention off the coronavirus hoax, the powers that shouldn’t be are going to make sure they get you living in fear again, and vaccinated.
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The NWO Power Structure is Being Dismantled
(Mac Slavo) YouTube channel X22 Report’s recent video is up, and in it, are claims that the deep state’s power structure has been dismantled. We knew this power grab was destined to fail from the beginning, and we also know there will be more events perpetrated, including plademic 2, which is expected to occur in the fall.
It’s A Set Up: Police ALLOW LOOTING, ARREST STORE OWNERS for Protecting Their Property
(Mac Salvo) The United States has descended further into tyranny and the police are strengthening the ruling class’ power by using force against the wrong people. It’s all a set up to divide and conquer. The police are allowing property destruction, but arresting store owners for protecting their own property.
Is It One Gigantic Psy-Op? George Floyd’s Coroner Was Also Jeffrey Epstein’s
(Mac Slavo) There is a lot of information about the murder of George Floyd, the man who was killed by a police officer in broad daylight, that the mainstream media is intentionally hiding from the public while they ask you to look only at the color of the skin of those involved. A piece of relevant information they just so casually left out of their race-baiting broadcasts was that Floyd’s family conveniently hired the same coroner as Jeffrey Epstein.
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Power Freaks [The Cabal] Losing Control As Public Laughs At Coronavirus Lockdowns
(Mac Slavo) Dr. Ron Paul recently presented evidence that people are finally waking up and defying the tyranny of government. From the Lake of the Ozarks to the Texas Gulf Coast, Americans spent Memorial Day weekend in defiance of the forced “lockdown” orders of the politicians.
The Great Awakening: Our Future Will Be One of Liberty, Freedom, and Peace
(Mac Slavo) There’s a lot of tyrannical nonsense being propagated by the mainstream media on behalf of the ruling class and the elitists of the world, However, there are a lot of people awakening to the fact that they have lived as slaves and want to be free.
A Handful Of Cops Are Standing Up to Tyranny WITH The People
(Mac Slavo) Some police officers have awoken to the world they are leaving for their children and are standing with the people against tyranny. While these instances are still few and far between, it’s a good sign that at least a few may be realizing what kind of world they are enforcing at this point in human history.
DECLASSIFIED: Gold Mines Shutting Down – UNHEARD OF!
(Tom Beck) Seriously, can ANYTHING ever compare to the CHAOS that we now are UNDERGOING as a species?
Edward Snowden’s Warning: Surveillance Measures Will Outlast The Pandemic
(Mac Salvo) Edward Snowden has a warning for those who are giving up liberty for a false sense of security: the temporary mass surveillance measures put in place will be anything but temporary. Snowden says that these measures are not worth giving up even more liberty.
Coronavirus: The Deadly Virus Could Have Come From A Chinese Biowarfare Lab
(Mac Salvo) The coronavirus could have come from a Chinese biowarfare program. Originally, mainstream media reported that snakes were the likely culprit, however, some speculation is that it could be a bioweapon leak of sorts from a Chinese laboratory.