(Zoey Sky) In a post-SHTF world, having a power source is going to be important for your survival, especially if the power grid goes down.
How to Evacuate with Wealth When the SHTF
(J.G. Martinez D) How do you evacuate with wealth on your person in a manageable form without getting yourself robbed/killed after SHTF? Are there lessons we can learn here from Venezuela?
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How to Create a Barter Network After the SHTF
(J.G. Martinez D) After society crumbles, the ability to use the fiat currency which was in use before vanishes. Likewise, when politicians decide that certain people no longer should be able to purchase food, medicine, or healthcare, the ability to use the fiat currency which was previously stored becomes much more difficult. It’s in times like these that the ability to create a barter network matters.
The 10 Safest Places to Be When the SHTF
(Tim Makay) It used to be that pretty much only preppers were worried about widespread societal collapse in America. I would reckon that anyone who isn’t today at least a little worried about it is actually the crazy one.
Worsening Shipping Crisis Will Affect Retail Supply Lines and Shopping for Holidays
(Mary Villareal) The world’s network of ports, container vessels, and trucking companies that allow goods to move globally has been tangled due to the pandemic, and the cost of shipping is skyrocketing.
Prepper skills: How to Barter Effectively after SHTF
(Virgilio Marin) Barter is the exchange of goods or services of equal value without the use of money. It was nearly forgotten until the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic struck last year and revived bartering. Driven by panic, many people stockpiled essential items like diapers and used their excess supplies to trade them for things such as spaghetti.
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5 Common Edible Plants for Urban Foraging (Plus Foraging Tips)
(Divina Ramirez) You don’t have to leave the city to forage for edible plants. Suburban and even urban areas can have a variety of edible plants you can turn to in times of need because of green spaces like yards and parks.
Survival Foraging: 5 Edible Weeds to Harvest When SHTF
(Zoey Sky) Preppers know that seemingly bothersome weeds are just as useful as other crops in their home gardens.
How to Make Seed Paper That Can Grow Into Plants for Your Survival Garden
(Arsenio Toledo) Seed paper is considered by many to be nothing more than a novelty item. But as a prepper, you might find that this ingenious item may help you increase the amount of food you’re growing in your survival garden.