(JAC) Close encounters with UFOs, that is, the complex scenery witnessed by hundreds of people who claim to have observed the landing of a flying saucer and the disembarkation of its occupants, can actually be the result of a psychic disturbance, the consequence of a sudden and unexpected irruption, in an expanded reality that somehow be “feeds back” from our unconscious.
5 Ways a Parent Can be Like a Shaman
(Bhavika) “There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.” ~ Sue Atkins Being a parent is not an easy task, we all know that. It is challenging, but at the same time it’s can be a beautiful rewarding journey. While we do our best to raise our child/children in […]
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“Hades,” a place of conscious torment
Source – Jeremy McDonald by Jeremy McDonald, November 13, 2016 I have often wondered why “HADES” is mentioned in the bible as well as in Greek Mythology… This is mainly because I was raised to think if it was not in the bible then it was evil or of the devil. So when I have heard reference […]