(Dr. Michael Salla) On August 10, the newly created U.S. Space Force released its “Spacepower Doctrine,” defining its core identity and missions in space. Space Force will consider outer space to be a warfighting domain wherein military force will be projected into the Earth-Moon orbital environments to protect U.S. national interests and security.
secret space program
Origins of China’s Secret Space Program: the Faustian Bargain with the Deep State & Biblical Prophesy
(Dr Michael Salla) What are the origins of China’s Secret Space Program, and how did the Deep State help China at critical points in its economic and scientific development? Why did the Deep State sponsor China’s rise from a Technological Backwater into a Military Superpower in Space? How does Biblical Prophecy fit into the Deep State’s plans for China? Answering these questions is critical to understanding unfolding events taking place today before our eyes!
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Dr. Michael Salla Interview – China’s Secret Space Program Origins, Threat & US Response
(Edward Morgan) Dr. Michael Salla joins Prepare for Change for a discussion about his new book: Rise of the Red Dragon – Origins & Threat of China’s Secret Space Program. In it, he explains how China was handed a top U.S. aerospace scientist, Tsein Hsue-shen, during the McCarthyism period, which turned out to be the primary piece needed for China to begin its clandestine space program that rivals the U.S. for space supremacy.
The Nature of Time — Time and Timelines | The Daniel Papers
(Daniel) One of the least understood concepts known to man is that of time. A great deal of headway regarding the nature of time was made by engineer Dewey B. Larson, published in his 1959 book, The Structure of the Physical Universe.1
The Dulce Papers – Chapter 22d – 1984: Mystery-Maverick Jim McCampbell Takes on the Dulce-Bennewitz Enigma
(Orbman) There is a shape to these things which he indicated is like a baby bottle nipple upside-down [* This shape is not the implants which **ILLEGIBLE** the skull], not the cap part, but just the nipple itself. He acknowledged that and also that ours can certainly see it. He had a discussion with some photo analyst [* OSI photo analyst] who indicated that he had seen tracks up a hill and a launch location that was definitely not a rock but some kind of artificial construction. On the hazard of entering [the] area, I asked about that. He said that there is a risk if we went in on foot, but if a person tried to do that likely that the people would ‘wack them.’ [* I said ‘zap’. The odds are one might be accosted]
At Space Force Flag Unveiling Trump Heralds Secret Space Program Technology Releases
(Dr. Michael Salla) At the unveiling of the Space Force’s new flag on May 15, President Donald Trump delivered remarks claiming that Space Force is the first attempt by the US to deploy weapons and military forces in space, and the US is merely reacting to what China and Russia have previously done with their own respective space forces. Trump referred to fantastic new weapons systems that are being developed for Space Force, which are far more powerful than anything possessed by China and Russia.
The Dulce Papers – Chapter 22c – 1984: Mystery-Maverick Jim Mccampbell Takes on the Dulce-Bennewitz Enigma
(Orbman) “THE ALIENS HAVE GONE WILD AND USE HYPODERMICS [and notes a ‘parallel four times.’] [McCampbell: I don’t know what that means] [* I don’t know either]. He has been paralyzed four times and has been hit 250 times by hypodermics. He says they knock you cold and they do whatever they want to do and the above points have been verified medically.
Will General Flynn Exoneration Impact UFO/SSP Disclosure?
(Dr. Michael Salla) The dropping of all charges against Lt Gen Michael Flynn brings to an end a lengthy legal battle stemming from the Russian Collusion investigation of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and his subsequent administration.
Will China Mars Mission Encounter Breakaway German Colony?
(Dr. Michael Salla) China is on schedule to launch an orbiter and rover to Mars in July 2020 in a mission called Tianwen-1 – meaning ‘questions to heaven’. While the mission goals for Tianwen-1 appear very mundane – mapping the surface and extracting soil samples – one of the “questions to heaven” that the Chinese are very interested in answering is: “are multiple insider accounts of a German space colony that moved to Mars from Antarctica in the 1950s/1960s true?”
The Dulce Papers – Chapter 22b – 1984: Mystery-maverick Jim Mccampbell Takes on the Dulce-bennewitz Enigma
(Think About It) The careful measurements showed that the limousine was the same length as his Lincoln Town car. IT IS A C.I.A. VEHICLE. ALSO, THERE WAS A BLUE VAN. He has been cautioned about these limousines as they will run you off the road if you try to get into the area and in fact, somebody has been killed in that manner. To the north is a launch site.
Secret Colonization of the Moon and Mars (Part 4/16)
(Christi Verismo) Al Bielek has also said that when the astronauts of Apollo 11 arrived on the moon, that they told Houston Space Centre: “Houston, we’ve got visitors up here.” Houston answered: “Are they Americans?” and the astronauts said “Yes.” Americans were waiting for them to arrive, in chemically fueled rockets.
The Dulce Papers – Chapter 22a – 1984: Mystery-Maverick Jim Mccampbell Takes on the Dulce-Bennewitz Enigma
(Orbman) The following document [among others] originated from a U.S. Intelligence worker who has been missing for quite some time. Concerned family members discovered this document in a locker in which the missing Intelligence officer apparently kept some of his papers. This document, as well as others in his possession, may have had some connection with his disappearance, although exactly what connection this might be, is uncertain. Copies of this and other documents eventually ended up in the hands of several researchers as a result of one investigator who was approached by the family of the missing agent and given the documents.
Trump Signs Executive Order To Support Moon Mining, Tapping Asteroid Resources
(Joseph Curl) President Trump has signed an executive order establishing U.S. policy on the use of off-Earth resources, including mining of the moon’s water ice and other natural resources, as well as tapping asteroids passing by.
Nazis In America: The Secret Government and Space Program (Part 3/16)
Related Browse This Series Source – Biblioteca Pleyades by Christi Verismo, AMERICA BUILDS ITS OWN SPACESHIPS. The Americans were confronted with technology, they couldn’t counter so signed a non-interference treaty to get the technology to fight back. The Germans gave the USA their anti-grav technology after the war, when they came to America. Al says […]
The Dulce Papers – Chapter 21c – Probing Deeper into the Dulce ‘Enigma’
(Orbman) In 1979 the intense pressure that was brought upon Thomas in his job finally made him break the code of silence. He told his best friend, by a hand passed note, that he was working in a sub-surface, huge installation outside of Dulce, New Mexico.